As I boarded the ship, the reality that I might not survive to see tomorrow hit me like one of the many arrows that would soon be hurling at my face.

I felt the blood drain from my face as the wood of the boat creaked with doom.


I need to keep my cool, keep cool, keep cool...

"Are you okay?"

"Ahh!" I drew my sword and spun around quickly.

"Ah!"  Sohma yelped as he ducked down. "I've already lost an arm, I would like to keep my head, please." 

"Sorry... you scared me."

"No kidding." He laughed. "Nervous about the battle?" He asked. The ship began to depart from the dock.

"No duh." I whimpered.

"You'll be alright. You're a great fighter. And besides, you can play damsel in distress and ambush them." He joked.

"Hey, you're more of a-"

"Attention soldiers! The Taira fleet has been spotted! Prepare for battle!" Yoshitsune commanded.

I gulped and stared at the armada of war ships speeding toward us on the horizon.

       "Take that, you bastard!" I hollered as a swung my sword, beheading a Taira soldier with a clean cut. Look mom! I'm beheading someone! Just like you always said I would! Except you probably thought I'd just order it, instead of joining the army and doing it myself... oh well!

"Hyah! Take that! Die! Say hi to god! Say hi to Satan! Get back here-! Die!" I yelled as I mowed down several soldiers with ease.

"(Y/n), look out!" I heard a deep voice yell. I whipped around to see a Taira soldier about to bring his sword down on me. I was stunned with fear, unable to move, block, run, slice... anything!

That's when a long chain wrapped around his arm and pulled him backwards.

Mizuki was at the other chain. Within seconds, the soldier had met his fate.

"Thank y-"

"The treasures!" Yoshitsune yelled. We turned to see a tall, Taira man with a messy mop of black hair standing at the bow of the ship.

"Goodbye, Yoshitsune. You would have been a good friend rather than a foe. Maybe in another life." He yelled before stepping off with the treasure. Following his lead, hundreds of Taira soldiers jumped off the side of their boats to their doom.

       Mizuki began to run toward the bow. "Mizuki?!? Come back!" I yelled. He dove over the edge just before I could reach him. "Mizuki!" I yelled as he pierced the waves.

       Yoshitsune, Sakura, and the men had gathered behind me. We all began yelling in search of Mizuki.

       I can swim...

       I tried to crawl up onto the edge, but Yoshitsune forcefully pulled me back.

       "Are you crazy?!" He yelled. "You could get lost out there! Mizuki was raised in the water village and has a chance at survival!"

       "I can swim! Let me go!" I yelled as I struggled to break free. Benkei had stepped in, and I was now stationary.

       "(Y/n), I know you care about us, and Mizuki." Yoshitsune said somberly. "But, you can't go. We'll search as much as we can until we have to go back to the capital the morning after tomorrow."

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