Hyuga - 1

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I said hello to the other Ninjas, and then I realized I had needed a good insult or two.

Where the heck is Hyuga?

I saw him practicing archery in the garden, and decided to bless him with my presence.

And by that, I mean I must annoy him until he breaks my neck.

I tried to sneak up behind him, dodging every twig, and any noise that could give me away.

I was about five feet behind him, when he turned around and stared at me with his arms folded.

"How the-?" I whined as I got off the floor.

"If you seriously think you can sneak up on me, maybe you should go check yourself into a mental hospital, you degenerate." He sneered.

"Missed you too." I grumbled.

"Don't you have someone else to annoy?" He asked as he drew his bow.

"Nope. I could go annoy Hanzo, or maybe even Mizuki, but you're by far the best target." I giggled.

He released the bow, and it hit an outer ring, signaling 1 point.

"You made me mess up!" He whined.

"You made yourself mess up. If you're that good at archery, you should be able to do it while you're distracted." I smirked as I hopped up onto a rock and crossed my legs.

He looked back at me angrily. "Keep talking like that and you'll be my next target."

"Ooh, Scary." I mocked. "Oh, just wait until you see me being scary." He warned.

I took my chance to try and look sexy. "I wouldn't m-"

I put my arm behind me, and tried to lean back nonchalantly, but my hand slipped.

I fell backwards off the rock and into some mud.

I pulled myself out, and made eye contact with Hyuga.

His lips curled into a smile despite his best efforts, and he suddenly burst out laughing.

My cheeks turned red as mars. Obviously, I didn't try to hide it because I had mud all over my face.

"Hahahahaha! That made my day!" He laughed.

Despite my embarrassment, and his usual hostility, I couldn't help but let myself ogle at his charming smile and graceful laugh.

No, I need to stop this! I thought. I just said the first thing I could think of.

"Your laugh is really annoying." I lied.

He stopped abruptly and scoffed. "Okay, mudpie." He grumbled.

I mentally facepalmed. "Well, I'm going to go clean up. Goodbye, my dear." I said in english, knowing he couldn't understand it.

"What?" He asked me. I didn't respond as I marched over to the basin and scrubbed my face. I also scrubbed some mud off of my kimono, but it wasn't coming off, and I was just getting myself wet instead of clean. I would have to actually take it off to clean it later.

I tied my (h/c) hair up, and tried my best to make myself presentable again. I looked alright, but my stained Kimono made me look homeless.

I sighed as I stared at my reflection in the water. This'll have to do.

I walked back to find someone, maybe Goyo or Hyosuke to talk to, but instead I bumped into Hyuga on the way in.

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