Hanzo - 1

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I said my greetings to everyone, and then began to hunt down the quiet Hanzo.

Then it dawned on me. How am I supposed to sustain conversation with this guy?

I pondered this as I walked down the hallway to his room. Maybe I could talk about- "oof!" I gasped as I walked into a pillar.

I felt eyes burning into my back. Oh no.. who saw that?

I whipped around to see the last person I would have wanted to see that, besides maybe Hyuga.

Hanzo's deep, blue, scarred eyes met with mine.

"Hanzo! Um... I was looking for you.. heh..." I awkwardly laughed.

"You were looking for me, and you were looking so hard that you walked into a pole." He muttered, raising an eyebrow in disbelief.

"Um... yeah. I was thinking of where you could be." I lied.

"Mhmm." He hummed. He began to walk away.

"Wait!" I yelled. He turned around and looked at me, signaling for me to speak "um.. I wanted to catch up with you." I laughed nervously.

"Okay." He mumbled.

"Um..." I gulped. "So what have you been up to."

"The same as always. Not much changes in five days." He said coldly.

"Speak for yourself. My entire life changed in one night." I hissed.

"... my apologies." He mumbled.

I shouldn't have said that. Now he's just going to be quiet again. Ugh, this man!

"AAAAAAnyways.... how about some English lessons?" I suggested weakly. "Okay. Go fetch the others." He ordered.

"No! Um, I mean, no, just the two of us. You learn more if it's one-on-one, right?"

"Whatever floats your boat."

He followed me to the library, and I found the fairy tale book I read to Sohma.

"Try reading this passage." I suggested. He cleared his throat and leaned over the page, squinting.

"Once upon a time, there was a fiar- fair young woman named.... Ella?" He looked up at me.

I chuckled. "Yes. Keep reading."

"The girl lived hap-pil-ly with her wheelthy... WEALTHY parents. One day, her mother fell ill, and made Ella promise to remain good and kind. She soon passed away."

He looked up at me to see if he had made mistakes. He soon continued.

"Her father was quick to rimary? Oh, Remarry, but the stepmother... what is a stepmother?" He asked.

"A stepmother is a stepmother. To clear up confusion, she just translated it.

"Oh..." he looked back down to the page. "The stepmother and her daughters were rich and beautiful, but they were krew-eel... cruel. Ella's father was a merchant... what does merchant mean?"

"A merchant is a merchant."

"Ah, yes. Ella's father was a merchant, and therefor was not home often. The three women had Ella sleep by the fireplace to keep warm, and she always woke up covered in ash. They renamed her Kinderella, and forced her into slavery. The young prince of the kingdom was looking for a future queen, and had announced he'd be hosting a ball and all the women of the kingdom were invited. Kinderella-"

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