Goyo - 1

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After obviously greeting all the others out of politeness, I went to find the ninja I was closest to. I missed him terribly.

I found him in the kitchen, eyebrows furrowed as he tried to cook. It was... is that fish? No, maybe chicken. Why is it black?

"What's up Goyo?" I asked. He quickly spun around and almost hit me with a frying pan.

"(Y/n)!" He cheered as he threw the pan over his shoulder, having its rattle echo all over the kitchen as he hugged me. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too. What are you cooking?"

"I'm sautéing vegetables!" He said proudly.

I looked at the charred, black lump on the stove.

"Um... practice makes perfect I guess." I said awkwardly. "Yeah, i'm trying to get better. I want you to eat my food when I get better! Do you want to try this?" He said as he picked up the mystery vegetable with a pair of tongs.

"Um..." I don't want to hurt his feelings, but I don't want to die either. "Maybe you could try again... and maybe not cook it for so long?" I suggested.

He looked down at the floor and his lips formed into a pout. "Yeah.. that was a dumb question. I'm an awful cook."

"That's not true!" I yelled quickly. I leaned forward and took a bite of the black lump.

I regret this more than anything I've ever regretted.

I tried to force a smile, but my eyes were tearing. This was a burnt onion. An entire onion.

I forced myself to swallow it down, and it took me a few tries.

"Mmm..." I lied. "Well, I'm going to go brush my teeth so my breath doesn't smell like onion see ya in a bit!" I yelled as I ran out.

"Maybe Sakura can give you cooking lessons?" I suggested.

"She tried. She gave up almost instantly. Mostly because I set my food on fire."

"I'm not the best cook, but maybe I could try?"

"Would you really be willing to?"

I looked around before answering, to make sure no one was listening. "Anything to honor prince Goyo."

He laughed nervously. "I'm a prince to you, huh?"

"And to all of China." I smirked. He went ghost white.

"H-how? What.. how did you know?" He stuttered.

"Prince Goyo, youngest son of the Song Dynasty of China." (Idk if he's actually from the Song Dynasty, but that's the historically accurate dynasty in China at the time.)

He gasped and looked at me in horror.

"I know my royalty." I laughed. "And don't worry, I won't treat you any different. Unless you would like me to, of course..." I said, suddenly regretting sharing my knowledge.

"No! Please don't." He said as he averted his gaze.

"Okay, I won't. I can also keep a secret." I winked.

"You're the best." He said as he ruffled my hair.

"I know I am." I joked.

"Oh! I want to show you something from the Continent. Wait here!" He said as he yelled into the estate.

I waited patiently in the garden.

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