Dead Still Walking

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Daylight was gone and the darkness of the night didn't help with the visibility.  Nate quietly walked towards the peek hole.  It's been about four hours they were sitting and waiting.  The people were getting irritable and hungry.   "You five go out there, see if it's safe," said Nate.  "Really? Man, you saw what happen to the others.  I don't feel like dying." said one of his man.  "Dude, let me tell you a story.  I'm still in charge here.  Nothings changed." replied Nate as he takes his gun and shoots the man in the head, killing him instantly.  

"Now, doesn't anyone else have any more disagreements?" he asked with a smile.  "No, Boss, I'm already gone," said John man number two, as he. first peeks outside.  "Come on man.  Let's try to stay together.  I saw those things, one shot isn't going to kill them.  If we stay together we have a better chance of making it through this alive." said Luke, man number three.    "Listen to the man, he knows what he's talking about.  Go out there and make me proud," said Nate as he helped them open the cellar door.  John glanced around, "Let's go, remember to stay together." he said as they all walked out the door slowly. and afraid.   "Go get them, men," said Nate as he went back to his chair and sat back down.  The other gave him a stare but still didn't complain.

They searched the premises, trucks were turned over, trees and houses destroyed.  "My goodness, it looks like a tornado came through here." said Luke   "Just keep your eyes open," he replied.  They finally decided it was safe, so they headed back to the house to inform Nate.  "Back so soon.   My man what's the verdict?" he asked as he opened the cellar door.  "Boss it looks safe.  There nothing out here, but a big mess.  Everything is destroyed." said John  "Oh, well I guess, we need to start cleaning up and collecting more dues." he said as he walked out with a proud grin on his face.

"You two come with me.  Ladies, I need you to also follow me.  Someone has to clean up the mess." he said as he walked towards his place.   He reached his house the front door was gone.  "Luke, go make sure it's clear," he said as he stepped back out the way.  "Sure boss," he said as he got his gun ready and enter the house along with two others.   As they walked through the house. They noticed there was no danger on the first floor.   Luke went back to the front door, " the First floor is cleared." he said as he then started to walk up the steps towards the hallway.  The steps were in pretty bad shape, which made it hard for them to get up the stairs.   Luke and John climb their way up.  Luke made up first.   John was right behind him.   

He was about to make it up, he slipped following back.  John quickly caught him.  "Dude, take your time, don't need you to die on me." said John when suddenly  "Luke watch out!" he screamed    Suddenly a red gorilla, grabbed Luke by the hair and with one strong pull he ripped his head right off.   Then he began to eat Lukes brain, as he roars at John, ready to turn towards him.  John quickly started shotting, picking two in the primates head.   The red ape fell back towards John as they both fell back on the first floor.  Nate quickly ran into a closet and waited.  "You get out there, make sure this time is really cleared," he muttered to one of his other brownnoses

"Well do boss," he replied as he began to climb up the stair.   "Jack, please, get this thing off of me."  Oh, shit dude I thought you were dead." he replied  "Well I'm not getting this thing off of me." he said as he keeps trying to push the dead ape's body off of his legs, without success.  "Dude, just stay there, I'll be right back.  Play dead for a while," he said as he began to climb upstairs.   He walked around and check all the rooms on the second floor.  They were cleared, so he ran towards the closet door.    "Nate, it's clear for sure this time." said Jack  "Are you sure?" he asked   "Yes, I'm sure." he replied   "Again are you sure, if I go out there and something happens, you better make sure you do face me again, cause believe me, man, if those apes don't kill you, my man I sure will," said Nate as he walked out the closet, staying close behind Jack.

He sees John trapped under the red ape's body.  "Jack, come on help me," he said as he still was struggling to get free.   Jack went towards the large ape and grabbed one of his legs, to free John.   "Hey, Hey, wait a minute.  Jack stepped back, now.  Me and Johnny boy here, need to have a talk" said Nate as he takes his gun out.   "Sure Boss.' replied Jack as he stepped back.

"My man, did you tell me it was safe to come out?' he asked  "Sir, it was safe, I didn't see the one upstairs. Please get this beast off of me." he muttered in pain   "You didn't see it?  Yet you called me and almost had me killed.   I must ask you, sir, was that on purpose or was it really an accident?" he asked as he kneels in front of him.  "Sir it was an accident.  I didn't hear or see the ape.  I'm really sorry, please my legs are going numb." said John in agony.   "My man, that not the only thing you going to have numb," Nate said as he places the gun on John's forehead and shots.   

"There you go.  Now that, wasn't a mistake.  I meant to do that.   You can get this piece of shit out of there and ladies, it's time to clean.  I'm going to get an hour nap when I wait, I want my please spotless and I also want something delicious to eat. "You two, with me, you'll keep guard, while I take my nap.  Don't let no one wake me," he said as he closes his bedroom door.    Nate laid on the bed glancing at the ceiling.   "Shit, that was scary.  I wonder if Nick and his people also got unexpected visitors.  This shit is not cool at all.  It's going to set me back a little.  I'll worry about that later, right now I need rest." he whispered as he got comfortable and went to sleep.

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