Dead Still Walking

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They approached the front door, Jackson opened the door and let them enter.  "Good, sweetie, wait until you see all the different wonderful things to eat," he said as he hugs his wife along with his two kids.

Tom and the two young girls were the last one to enter the mansion.  As they walked up to the steps towards the front door, Tom lost his balance and slipped on one knee.  "Oh, shit!" he said  "Dad, are you alright?" asked Cindy   "I'm fine.  I'm just a bit tired.  Go right inside girls, I just need a minute." he said as he went to stand up, he checks his ankle,  which was now dark and rotten looking.  What he saw made him panic.   He quickly pulled his sock up, then stood up off the ground.  Jim noticed he wasn't inside the house, so he came back out the front door, "Dude are you alright?" he asked   "I'm fine, I tripped on the step." he said with a convincing smile.  "Well hurry and get in here.  We having steak for dinner.  Late dinner, better late then never, I was say." he said as he went back inside leaving the door open for Tom.

Tom finally made inside and headed towards the kitchen.    "Here, you go my man, for can rest for a while in this place, especially with these colds ones," he said as he handed Tom a beer.

Jenny and GG took out the plates setting the cabinets.  "Timmy get over here." said GG as she handed him a stack of plates, "Here, you and girls set up the table." she said  "How many setting?" he asked  "Excuse me, if you count everyone here, you'll get your answer," she said as she went back into the kitchen and started to fix the salad.  Roxy was already cooking the steaks and potatoes.   "I don't believe that I'm actually going to enjoy a juicy steak.  God how I miss you," she muttered as she tosses the meat.    

"I know what you mean.  I thought I'll never eat meat again." said Ruth as she fixes the potato  "Well, we all must thank god for this blessing.  Because believe me this is a blessing." said Ray  "No kidding, this beer tastes like heaven." said Issac   "Hey there's a TV, do you think it works?" asked Jim   "There only one way to find out." said Jackson and quickly looked around for a remote and proceeded to turn the TV on, but all he got was struck.   "Well I guess, the shit is not working." he said   "Dad, there a DVD attached to the TV, maybe there some movie somewhere." said Timmy    "Let's look around and see," said Jim as the men looked around and up high in the divider was a stack of DVDs.   "Found them," said Jake as he grabbed them and handed them to Jackson.

"That's all Ten movies?  Listen to the choice and decide which one we'll see first.  The Day of the Dead, Twenty-eight Days Later, Dust to Dawn, Dawn of the Dead, Evolution, and Sherk, one, two, three and four and some Christmas one.  So which one will it be?" he asked  

The men all glanced at him.  "Really man, those are the only choices?" asked Louis  "What the hall, is it a joke.  Half of the movies you mention are what we living now and I sure don't what to remain of that.  I guess we all watching cartoons." said Ray   "He's right Sherk all the way." said Issac with a smile as he grabs the first Sherk and places inside the DVD.

"Wait don't start it yet, let us finish setting the table,  we want to watch it from the beginning," said Cindy as she helped Timmy.    Issac glanced at Tom, he realizes he wasn't saying anything, so quiet and sweating badly.   "Tom are you alright over there?" he asked concerned.  "I'm fine, I'm just tired that all it is, I'm tired." he muttered   "Go up to the bedroom and take an hour nap until the food is done." suggested Issac   "No, I'm good.  I too what to see the movie." he said as he sat on the floor near the chimney, then rested his head against the wall.

They waited for the children to sit down, then proceeded to start the movie.  The place was quiet, the only sound you heard besides the movie, was the women working in the kitchen together to prepare dinner. "Hey, everyone the dinner's ready," yelled Roxy as she placed the food on the table.  

After the ladies placed all the food on the table.  They realize no one was responding to there calls.   "Hey, I said dinner ready!" again she yelled.  They were all into the movie,  "Girls move it, just phase the movie until we are do eating." said Jackson as she grabbed the control and did just that.   "Oh, man," said Cindy as they all slowly walked towards the dining room table and sat down.  "Everyone lets hold hands and give thanks to what we are about to enjoy.  We don't know when it'll be the next time we enjoy a wonderful meal like this one," said Jennie as they all held hands and Jennie began to pray.   

"Lord, bless this wonderful meal we are about to enjoy.  Please, God, I know the world has gone to hell, but save us, protect us, and don't let us be someone else meal.  Amen."  "Amen" replied the others as Jennie and Ruth began to serve.

They all began to eat while looking at each with really nothing to say.  Cindy gave her father a look, then the others also looked at each other.  "Fine,  all go and eat in front of the TV," said Jackson as everyone grabbed a hold of their dinner plate and headed back to the living room to continue watching Sherk.

One by one they washed out their plates and went back to the movie.  GG went upstairs looking for blankets and pillows.   She only found two good pillows, but plenty of blankets.   she then came back down and handed everyone a blanket, then, "I found only two pillows, one's mine, who wants the other.  They all raised their hands.   

"Really everyone wants the pillow.  Well I tell you this, I'm throwing it, you caught it, it's yours," she said as she tosses the pillow into the middle of the living room and everyone, men, women, and child jumped on each other trying to get the pillow.   Timmy landed right on top of it.   "Everyone stop, someone's going to get hurt!" yelled Ruth    They all stopped and looked around to see who had the dumb pillow.   "Timmy, you better share," said Jackson as they all snuggle in front of the TV watching all the Sherk's movies one by one.  After the three movies, the kids were asleep and after a while, they were all spelling on the floor in the living room, until the next day.


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