Dead Still Walking

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Back at the mansion, the five men began gathering up the rotten stinky corpses.  Louis went around with the wheelbarrow and as the others placed three bodies, quickly took them to the front gates, dumped them and repeated the process about five times.

He finally dumps the last three, "Shit, I'm glad that' over.  The guys are doing the rest, I've done my share." he said as he sat at the gate and waited for the others.

Tom wasn't feeling well.  "Well, those were the last three, let's get outside the walls," said Jackson as they unit again and all headed in that direction.  Tom walked far behind.  He was running a fever and was feeling quite dizzy.  He tried to pretend that there was nothing wrong.  He walked far behind, hoping it didn't call any attention.

They reach the gates accepted Tom, he was still about two yards behind them.  "Louis, open up the gates." said Jackson   "Are you kidding me?  I've walked back and forth, god knows how many times.  Dude, this is where I sit until we're ready to head back to the mansion." he replied as he laid back on the fence.  "Really man?" he replied as he began to untie the gates.   Jake and Ray stood on the watch for walkers, while the other men proceeded to take the bodies out, then placing them on the outside of the fence.

Tom finally reached them, "Look, I'll meet you back at the house.  I really need to go." he said as he walked in that direction.    Louis grabbed the wheelbarrow, "Wait for me, I'm going with you." he said as he pushed the wheelbarrow catching up to Tom.   "Shit, those things weigh a ton." he said  "They're not things.   They are just sick human beings." said Tom as he walked faster trying not to speak to him.   "Dude, man, sorry if I've offended you in any way," he said as he began walking towards the shed.   Tom didn't say anything he just kept walking minding his business.

"Oh, well, later man," said Louis as he went on his way.  "He really must have the need to take a bad shit, cause he looks awful," Louis muttered as he puts the wheelbarrow back, then returns to the house.

At the gates, the other finally finished.  They locked up the gates and headed back to the house.  They didn't talk much, they were pretty tired and just wanted to get back and relax for a while.  The men were gone for quite a while.   Jennie and the others searched the entire house.  They found no types of weapons, but the steak knives and the kitchen knife.  Lucky for them they had there own.  But not many bullets left.  So they stopped searching after a while.    Roxy, began to cook, lunch, while Jennie and the others sat down in the living.  Natasha laid back in her chair and, within seconds she was sleeping.  The teenagers again popped a movie into the DVD and also relax.

Tom entered the house.  Tasha notices he looked really tired.  "Sweetie are you feeling alright?" he asked as she walked up to him and touched his forehead.  "My goodness you're burning up," she said   Then she moved back and looked into his eyes.    "Did you get bit?" she asked as she backed up a little.  "No silly.  I think all that food made me sick.  I feel like I want to throw up." he explained  "Well, let go upstairs.  There's a room with a nice bed.  Maybe you just need some rest." she said as she helped him up the steps.

Tasha was a thirty-two-year-old school teacher.  She was the only one that survived in her family.  Since the first time she and Tom met, they were inseparable.  "Here, let me help you with your shoes.  Roxy is cooking again.  Rest, I'll wake you in three hours.  Everyone needs to sleep.  I didn't see you eat much, and last night you were tossing and turning every five to ten minutes. Just get rest, I'll wake you later." she said as she then helps him into the bed placing the covers over him.    She then headed back downstairs.

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