Dead Still Walking

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The noise was loud, so loud that it called the walking dead attention. Quickly they began to gather and headed in that direction.  The apes and gorillas were headed towards the herd of the dead.  They proceed to destroy everything in their way.  The bomb traps in the trees and on land began to go off.  One gorilla stepped on a graned, and his huge body blows up in the pieces were flying all over the place.  This didn't stop them as some proceeded to climb the trees and the homemade bomb went off.  Blowing the different types of primates into pieces.  The cries and the screams of the jungle were all you can hear.   The primates didn't give up, as they continue to activate the traps and those who made it across safe continue on their way of destruction.

The small herd of primates continues on their way down the road.  As must of them were missing some part of there bodies and with their bodies decaying, the smell of death was getting very strong, filling up the air with rot.

The dead primates were getting closer to Nick and his people, out of the woods, house, car, everywhere and anywhere those awful roars and cries were heard, the dead came running hoping to feed.  There were about two hundred and fifty, primates, still running dead alive.  They so far succeeded to get rid of the half, and the half that was still eating and attacking, made sure, no ever the walking dead were safe.   The moment the gorilla and apes saw the dead routing corpses coming in there direction.  As they walked by them, the dead apes jumped on his head, eating out the dead's brain.  Since there was many, many dead, even the small monkeys jumped on the walker's biting and eating their brain until they fall.   The gorillas took the dead and split them in half.  Keep the part with the head, eat the brain, then throw the remains aside. They continue this process, the dead, bit them back, in a fighting hungry way, but the animals were too strong, as they were torn to piece.  This continues, for ten minutes when the last one standing were, the primates. 

When the creature, didn't have anything else to eat,  they sat and devolved all the bodies of the dead, leaving the head and the torso, as they went on there way.  Some ran some walked but as they got too close to each other, they fought to feed on one another.  The sky was getting dark as the apes finally reached  Nick's gated community.  They were about three roads away.

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