Dead Still Walking

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Issac was speeding down the roads, stopping here and there, setting up traps along the way.   He finally reached the gated community.   He glanced up.

Jesus and Nick were on the top of the gate, keeping watch.   They spotted Issac's car coming down the road full speed.   He stopped the car, "Excuse me!" he screamed as he looked up at Nick.   "Who are you?" he asked   "Look, I know you don't know me.  But something coming that might kill your people. Can you please, let me enter?" he explained.   "Are you with Nate?"  Jesus asked  "Look I don't know who the hell is Nate.  All I know that if I don't find a place to hide, I'm a dead man." he said   "What makes you think, we won't kill you?" asked Nick   "Don't care really.  If you don't let me in I'm dead for sure." he replied     

"Who are you running from?" asked Nick   "Does it matter, are you going to let me in or not?" yelled Issac as he got back into this car and parked the ride between two large trees, as Nick and his man watch.    "As I see you aren't going to let me inside, so I'm on my own.  My friend sends me to warn you about a herd of  Dead Apes, that should be coming this way soon.  But what the hell, you don't want to listen." he said as he opened his trunk and placed his weapons and food inside.  He was about to step into the trunk.  "What are you doing?" asked Jesus  "I've told you somethings coming, and it's not nice." Issac replied   "Wait." said Nick as he climbs down as he gave the others orders to open the gates.

One of Nate's man was hiding in the bushes spying on Nick and his people.  In the past, the hunt for food and shelter caused a war between two different gated communities.  Nate was power hungry and enjoy picking fights for power. He heard every word that the newcomer told Nick.  "He said Apes.  Wait, I've dreamed with monkey lately.  Horrifying fuckers.  I wonder,  shit I must go tell Nate." he muttered as he jumped on his bike and headed back to Nate's camp.    He arrived, Nate and some of his men were going out, to collect supplies.  After all the fighting, the food and weapon supplies has gone a bit dry.  "Nate, sir wait!" said the spy  "Hey, you've returned.  Tell me you've got good news for me." said Nate   "No, sorry, not good at all.  Some stranger appeared out of nowhere.  He kept begging Nick to let him enter.  He said that a herd of, I think he said apes.  Not sure.  Anyway, I think they're coming our way.  He told him and his men set up traps.  He didn't know if this will stop them." he explained   "What did you say?  Did I hear right?  You said Apes, am I right?" he asked  "Yes sure.  He said to hide until the storm calms." said Nate's spy    

"Wait, you said apes?   I had a fucken drive with those ugly fuckers.  He wanted to eat me. Wow, supernatural shit, I dream something that's about to happen.  How cool is that, I tell you.  Sound the alarm.  Let's set up traps.  Tell everyone to get ready to kill whatever comes our way." said Nate as he opened the cellar doors.    Nate and his people took cover.  There were a couple, who wanted to stay and fight, not really knowing what was approaching them.  

"Everyone, we are not afraid of anything.  It's just precautions.  Let me tell you about a dream I had.  This dream bothers me for two nights in a row, man.  Let me tell you,  we were invaded by apes, of all kinds and color.  That fucker wanted to bit my face off.  Believe the dream was very unpleasant.  So, I don't believe in supernatural shit, but, when the subject pops up twice, it has to be some truth behind the dream. 

 Make sure all the basement windows and doors and barricaded.  All the women and children must stay out of harm's way.  They told us to wait for the storm to pass.  When I feel it's safe to go back outside, we will.  But for now, let's all get comfortable, and wait for the hail to fall." said Nate as he sat down peeking through a small hole in the wood that was blocking the basement window.   About ten of his men didn't hide, they were waiting and waiting to fight.    They quickly place food and supplies into the cellar.  Then locked the door behind them.    Then they waited impatiently.   Nate peeked out the hole every now and then, "Anything coming yet?" he will ask  "Nope, boss, nothing at all.  Maybe it's all bullshit." he said       "Don't know about that.  Just let me know if anything coming our way." said Nate  "Well do boss." his man replied as he continued to glance down the road.

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