Tom's P.O.V ... My Bluff and Guilt

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I was able to pull out a chapter before I go in tomorrow. I want you fans to know that no matter how long I am in the hospital, Kyeire has agreed that on June 8, 2012, she will update for me. 




Tom P.O.V.

After searching for hours for clues on the girls and their whereabouts, Inx dropped me off at my house. He gave me a sympathetic look.

“Listen, man, I’m sorry we couldn’t find them today. But, I swear we will. I’m just glad you believe me,” Inx said before I got out of the car.

“The greatest mysteries in the world were not all solved in one day,” I stated to him. He nodded at me in understandment.

“Don’t worry though, Tom, we will find them.” He told me, but now I was think that he was more or less trying to convince himself than me.

“I know … In fact, I plan on early tomorrow morning going over to Troy’s and making him see that they were in fact taken,” I stated with a fake grin. Inx smiled back at me.

“Do you need a ride there?” He asked. I shook my head.

“No, I have a car,” I told him.

“You left it at Troy’s.”

“Oh yeah ... I did, do I… well … alright then, pick me up at eight.” I told him.

“Eight? More like six! We need to find them! Aren’t you worried what could have happened to them?” Inx asked.

“I am man, like you wouldn’t believe! I’m barely able to sleep, but my adrenaline is maxed ...  There must be something they want … so they’ll come up somewhere ... I’m not going to stop, but I know my limits, and we can’t have the guys out of action too.” I stated begrudgingly. “But I’ll do some research while I’m home, alright?”

Inx sighed. “Yeah, okay, sorry man, I am just a little on edge.”

“You’re not the only one. Hell, its three o’clock in the morning. I know we’re both tired,” I said as I got out of the car. Inx said goodbye and drove off.

I sighed, thinking of how hard it was to persuade Inx and how I hated saying that, even though I was tired. But I’m surprised that he was so worried over the girls he left. I mean, come on, he just got back in town! I hate when people act like things are their business, when it’s clearly not. Especially because of how he left.

I unlocked the front door, and was faced with a quiet, dark house. I looked upstairs at where my room was before passing them up to get to the kitchen. I poured a glass of ice water and then made my way up the stairs. I stopped by the bathroom on the way to get the aspirin out of the medicine cabinet.

Slowly, I walked toward my room and stopped right in front of it. I knew what was waiting. I didn’t quite know how this was going to go. I tried to think of what would happen, but I shook my head. No use in putting it off. Just go with the flow. I slowly unlocked the door, hoping it wouldn’t be noticed. I opened my door and peeked in. Sure enough, my best suspicion was right.

Hope was sitting up, one hand holding her head. “Shit.” She muttered in a hushed tone. I went further in, but not before closing and locking the door. Her eyes flickered to me. “You! What the hell!?” She shouted at me before flinching in pain and grabbing her head. I held out my hands with the water and aspirin, hoping she wouldn’t slap it out of my hands, and hoping she would listen to me.

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