Happily ever after

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Oliver ran through the trees. The sun hitting him in in the eyes. He kept running fast and faster. Sweat fell from his neck. Then he got out of the woods and touched the warm of the sand. The white sand and the delicious and cold breeze of the ocean. He smiled as a gigantic dog ran towards him. The dog barked and ran to the ocean, he got inside the water. Oliver kept running towards a house, a big house in the shore. The wet dog followed him. He entered the house. "Good morning Raisa" he greeted the maid. "Good morning Mr.Oliver, I made you orange juice" Oliver took the juice and started drinking. He went upstairs to a room. He opened the door and smiled. He opened the curtains and got into bed, he heard a groan, he wrapped his arms around her and started kissing her. "Time to wake up gorgeous" he told her. Laurel couldn't even open her eyes. "You're sweaty" she commented kissing him back. "You like it?" He asked. "I do" She Replied. Oliver laughed. They kissed and he got on top of her. "Oh! Dad I thought we had agreed you and mom wouldn't do this in front of me!" Exclaimed a 13 year old boy. Oliver raised himself up. "Sorry buddy" he replied. Laurel laughed and hugged the pillow. "What do you want?" Asked Oliver. "I- I don't know anymore, you erased it from me" he answered and turned around. "Hey Tommy" the kid turned around. "When you have a girlfriend you'll understand" Oliver said smiling. Tommy just frowned and walked away. Oliver turned to Laurel. He heard a snore. He laughed. He started playing with her hair and putting his wet head on her face. "Alright I'm up!" She Exclaimed sitting up. "You look... gorgeous" he commented. She frowned. Her messy hair covered half her face. She had sleepy eyes. "What do you want?" She asked. "Why would I want something?" "You just called me gorgeous when I'm waking up and I look like a lion, you want something" Oliver laughed. "I want you" he kissed her cheek, Laurel smiled. Then he kissed her lips. "You see Max, you don't have lips, you can't kiss in the mouth, not in my mouth, keep your tongue to yourself buddy" said a little boy with brown hair and green eyes just like Laurel's. He stood in the door of the room with the dog next to him. The big dog that reached the kid's height licked him. "No max! You can't kiss! You're a dog!" The little boy crossed his arms in his chest. "Robert, What's up?" Asked Oliver pulling himself away from Laurel. "Di Is messing my superhero collection" he complained. Oliver looked over at Laurel. "These kids won't let us do our thing will they?" Laurel shook her head. Oliver sighed and stood up. He walked over the Robert's room. Oliver could hear little giggles coming from the room. He walked in and saw a 1 and a half year old girl holding an action figure of The Flash hitting Captain's cold action figure. "Hey Di" Said Oliver. The blonde girl turned to see him. "Dada!" The girl put her chubby hand in her mouth smiling. Oliver smiled and picked her up. "Why do you keep using the Flash's action figure, you know, Green Arrow is way cuter" he told her. She laughed. "No one believes that honey!" Yelled Laurel. Oliver rolled his eyes. Laurel walked towards the room holding Robert's hand. "Breakfast is ready" She Said. Oliver walked towards the table carrying Dinah. He sat her in her seat and then sat in the headboard. Tommy sat next to him. And Laurel in the other side. Oliver poured everyone their food. "So how is it going? How is school?" Asked Oliver. "Oh school is fine! I got an F in a test!" Responded Robert. "Robert honey, how is that good?" Asked Laurel. "Well, F is just the sixth of a 26 letter alphabet, I mean I could have gotten a Z!" Laurel placed her hand on her forehead .Oliver stood silent. "And Tommy how is it going for you?" He asked. "It's fine" Replied Tommy. "Hey dad have you ever wondered why does Tommy get so mad at you when you guys kiss?" Asked Robert. "Robert shut your mouth" Said Tommy. "Tommy do not talk that way to your brother" Laurel Exclaimed. "Why?" Asked Oliver. "He tried to kiss that girl he likes but then she turned him down and then he tried to kiss the other girl, she turned him down too!" Little Dinah giggled. Tommy got red. Both Laurel and Oliver turned to their son. "I didn't kiss anyone" argued Tommy. "Who is she?" Asked Oliver. "Oliver that's not important, you're too young to be kissing girls Tommy" Said Laurel. "He reminds me of the other Tommy we knew" commented Oliver laughing. Laurel turned to him with an angry expression. "Yeah Tommy you shouldn't be doing that" he told his son.

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