Felicity's plan

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"Hey Laurel" said Chase walking towards her, she was pouring herself some coffee, "hey Adrian" she replied, "so I was thinking and we never actually got to finish what we started in the ball" he tells her. "Oh yeah, sorry I left that day" replied Laurel, "so I was thinking you know maybe pick it up from where we left it" said Chase, "oh, I'm sorry it's just that I am with Oliver now, I am really truly sorry" she responded, "always with Oliver" exclaimed Chase with an angry voice. "Excuse me?" Asked Laurel, "the first time we dated, we were together until you two accidentally kissed and got together, then I take you to a ball and you leave with him, now I am here asking to be with you and you are already with him!" He explained, "well I'm sorry Adrian but somehow you always show up in the wrong time" she told him, "I know I just, I really wanted to be with you because I was in love with you Laurel" he commented, "wow, I didn't  know we had reached that phase yet" she answered, "well I did and ever since I have wanted to get back together with you" laurel took a deep breath, "I don't know if that is going to happen, I am happy with Oliver, besides aren't you dating Felicity?" She asked, Chase laughed, "no, it was just one kiss, it just happened, she kissed first by the way" replied Adrian, "I'm sorry Adrain, I don't think you and I can be a thing" she said, Chase nodded, "not yet" he added. "Well a man is allowed to dream" she told him and then excused herself. Chase watched her as she walked right into Oliver's arms. Then Felicity walked up to him and handed him a soda, "how did it go?" She asked, "yep, there is no way we are breaking these two apart" he said motioning to Oliver and Laurel holding hands by the lake, "oh come on! What did you tell her?" Questioned Felicity, "I told her that I wanted her back, short and simple" responded Adrian, "you have to put a better fight next time" told him Felicity, "what are you gonna do with Oliver?" Asked Chase, "well fight for him, now watch how I conquer the man" she said giving him her soda and walking towards the cute couple. "Hey Oliver" said Felicity, Oliver turned to her, "hey" he replied, "can I talk to you in private?" She asked, he nodded and walked with her away from Laurel. "What's up?" He asked, "I just wanted to thank you, after the creepy hooded guy took me you ran after me so brave not caring what risks you take, and I really appreciate that" she said, "no problem, although your real savior is Adrian" replied Oliver, Felicity laughed and shook her head, "no you're my savior Oliver, you, you saved me from million of things and you saved me from myself, you are my heart that I can't live without, without you I'd die, but I have you and you saved me" she exclaimed, Oliver took a deep breath, "Ollie" she stared saying walking closer to him, he took a step backwards, "please, I just want to tell you that I miss you, I want you back, and I am not drunk anymore. I now know for sure, I want you" she told him, Oliver looked down, "Felicity, I gave you time, I knew you made a choice too quickly to break up, I fought for you, I begged for you to come back to me, you didn't. You, you had your chance Felicity, and now I found someone I love, someone who makes me happy, now that I am with someone, somehow you want me back, so I'm sorry Felicity but, right now I am not available" responded Oliver, Felicity looked at him with a little of anger in her face. She just turned around and walked away, Oliver watched as she stepped away, he then turned around and met with a surprise, "Adrian!" Exclaimed Laurel, Adrian had his hands on Laurel's cheek and was kissing her, Laurel pulled away but he kept pulling her close, Oliver frowned and rushed towards Laurel and Adrian, but before he could do anything Laurel kicked him in the leg and then punched him in the face, Adrian fell to the ground groaning, "what the hell?" He asked rubbing his cheek, Oliver smiled at Laurel, that's my girlfriend  he thought, "I'm sorry but you wouldn't let me go, and I already told you, you and I can't be together, I am with Oliver! What part don't you understand?" She answered to Adrian, Adrian stood up, "I don't understand how can a girl so beautiful as you can date someone as selfish and as stupid as him" he told her, Laurel frowned. "Remember, if you want me, I'm only one call away" whispered Adrian to her cheek and walked away, he winked at her. Laurel turned to Oliver and laughed, "I think there's is something going on with him and Felicity, like they had something planned" commented Oliver, Laurel shrugged, "by the way, you are so badass" he added, Laurel smiled and kissed him, Oliver pulled away and looked at her deeply, he placed a hand on her cheek, he looked to her lips, Laurel looked at his eyes, "what's wrong?" She asked, "I am just, I am so in love with you" he answered, Laurel smiled, Oliver smiled, "Im glad, I have to admit I thought back then that the love of your life was Felicity and-" Laurel got interrupted by Oliver pressing his lips to her, "shhh, don't talk about Felicity, right now, it's all about you and me" he told her, Laurel wrapped her arms around his neck, a water drop fell to her cheek, Oliver looked up and it was raining, he looked back at Laurel and kept kissing her, "Dinah. Laurel. Lance." He said between kisses, "what?" Asked Laurel, "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen" he responded, Laurel kissed him in response, this time they formed a passionate kiss, Oliver had his hands on her waist and Laurel had her hands on his cheeks, he pulled her as close as she could be, then he took her legs and carried her, the rain wetting them each time more and more, Laurel moved her hands through his hair and wrapped her legs around his waist, he walked towards a mat that was on the sweet grass, he slowly sat down still kissing her, he finally laid down with Laurel on top of him, he pulled away, Laurel's hair covered her face, Oliver tucked her hair behind her ear, they were both smiling gigantically, he started kissing her again, he removed her shirt and turned around making Laurel be on the ground and him on top, Laurel removed his shirt and rubbed his bare chest, Oliver started kissing her neck.

"Guys!" Came rushing Diggle to the tent, "what?" Asked Felicity, "I just saw the green guy, the one who kidnapped Felicity" responded Diggle breathless, "Oh my God!" Exclaimed Thea, "he is back?" She asked, Diggle nodded. "Are we all here?" Asked Felicity looking around, "Oliver and Laurel are not here" responded Alex, "neither is Adrian" added Felicity, "alright, we have to find them before something happens to them" said Diggle, "oh don't worry I'm not here for any of them!" Said the same raspy and deep voice Felicity remembered, they all turned around and saw a green hooded guy with a mask, "then why are you here?" Asked Diggle, "I am here for all of you" he pointed with his sword, "well there will be a fight then, because I am not letting you touch any of them" told him Diggle, "fair enough" added the guy and swung his sword to Diggle, Diggle ducked and when he stood up he threw a punch, the guy dodged it. Diggle took out his gun and aimed at him, the man punched Diggle in the face, kicked him in knee and took the hand with the gun, he folded the arm making Diggle scream in pain, "Who are you?" Managed to ask Diggle, "Prometheus" answered the guy, Prometheus took the gun and aimed at Felicity, "I'm not going to kill you, but you are my tools to destroy Oliver Queen's life" he said, everyone frowned, he punched Diggle so hard to knock him out. He then took Diggle threatening to kill everyone else if they got close to him. "Johny!" Yelled Lyla.

"This was amazing" commented Oliver, Laurel laughed, her head laying in his chest, he stroke her hair, "you're amazing" he told her, Laurel wrapped her arm around his waist and kissed him in the cheek, he moved so he was laying face to face with Laurel, he was now laying on his side. He placed his hand on her cheek, "I never thought we would be doing this again" said Laurel, "ever since the gambit, I thought you and I would be over, but things weren't like that. When you got back I remember we kissed in your party with prison theme, and then we did it after Tommy broke up with me, and here we are doing it again" she added, Oliver smiled, "by the way, now that I said gambit, it was horrible the thought of losing you, before I found out about Sara, so that is an indirect saying, don't ever dare to die, because I really don't want you to" she told him, "Okay how about I promise you won't lose me if you promise me the same" he replied, "but first we have to take down Darhk, before I can promise anything" she responded, "I mean after what he did I- I don't think I could survive another" she added, Oliver placed his hand in her side that now revealed a scar, "does it still hurt?" He asked, Laurel shook her head, "just sometimes, when I do something I'm not supposed to" she answered, "hey, I promise you won't have to go through this again, I will kill the son of a bitch" Laurel smiled sadly at him, he pulled her closer and kissed her in the forehead. Both of them were silent in each other's arms. Then Lyla came running, "Oliver!" She yelled, Oliver turned to look at her, "he took him!" She screamed, "he took Diggle!" Oliver's eyes widened up, "who?" Asked Oliver, "Prometheus" replied Layla, "The Who now?" Asked Laurel, "Prometheus is the guy who took Felicity and now took Diggle" explained Lyla, Oliver stood up, he put on his pants and shirt, Laurel sat up covering herself with the blanket, "I'm sorry I have to go" told her Oliver and kissed her in the cheek. Oliver ran to the tent, "what happened?" He asked, "Prometheus came and threatened to kill all of us so Diggle faced him and Prometheus kind of kicked his ass and then took him" explained Felicity, "why would he take Dig?" Questioned Oliver, "he said that we all are tools to destroy Oliver Queen's life" responded Thea, Oliver frowned. Oliver got out of the tent and ran, he ran to look for Diggle. "Diggle!" He yelled, it was all repeating over again. The same had happened with Felicity, so he ran towards the river where he found Felicity the first time. When he got to the river he breathed heavily looking for Diggle, he didn't see any sign of struggle nor any noise, "finally we meet Oliver Queen" said Prometheus behind Oliver, Oliver turned around, "Prometheus!" Exclaimed Oliver, "where is John Diggle?" He asked, "He is right here" told him Prometheus, Oliver saw Diggle on the floor unconscious. "Why did you take him?" Asked Oliver. "When I first started this I told myself that doing this was gonna help me know who I really am" started saying Prometheus, "that is what I intend to do, I intend to show you who you really are" he added, Oliver frowned. "I'm gonna show you your killer inside, Im gonna show you how everything you touch dies" Oliver took a deep breath, "what?" He asked,"I know everything about you Oliver Queen, who you know, who you trust, who you love" as soon as he said that Oliver could feel something was about to come, Oliver tightened his lips. "I know who is the love of your life, and believe me when I tell you. She will fall" Oliver's eyes widened up, a wave of panic rose from his stomach to his throat. Right now there was only one thing in his mind, one thought. Laurel.

Hey thanks for reading! There is something that you could consider a plot twist coming up and I am really excited about it! Thanks for reading!

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