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Oliver entered the bunker, he stood in front of his costume and looked at all the suits, he was filled with anger. He bit his lip thinking, what was next? He walked towards a table with things on top of it, Oliver leaned towards it and felt as a tear rolled down his cheek, then he hit the table with both his hands and threw everything on top of it away, then Oliver took a bat and started hitting everything, he hit the dummies with the suits, he threw his suit away and broke the computers, his screams could be heard all over the room. After he finished he sat down in the stairs crying, then Diggle appeared, "what happened man?" Asked Diggle, Oliver was shaking his head, Diggle sat next to him. "I screwed up Dig" started saying Oliver, "I- I broke up with Laurel, I let Adrian Chase into my life, I got together with Felicity again, and all of that turned into a nightmare, Adrian Chase is Prometheus, the one reason I broke up with Laurel was so that Chase wouldn't hurt her or wouldn't go after her, I got together with Felicity to make it seem like she is the love of my life so Chase would leave Laurel alone and since I'd figured I love Felicity I would stay with her to keep her safe but it all went to crap" Diggle looked shocked, he finally understood what was Oliver planning, he understood why was he acting that way. "And now, Chase has both Laurel and Felicity and I am sure he wants to kill one of them, and I can't lose them Dig, I can't" Oliver's voice started breaking as he spoke, "okay look, we are going to find Felicity and Laurel, I promise, we are going to find them then catch this son of a bitch" Oliver nodded. "And I'm gonna kill him" he added. Diggle rubbed Oliver's back.

Laurel opened her eyes, she had a pounding headache, she looked around and saw nothing but darkness, "Laurel?" Asked a voice, Laurel turned around and couldn't find whoever had said that, then the lights went on, it was hard for Laurel to keep both her eyes opened because of the strong light, when she  finally was able to see right she saw Felicity, "Felicity?" She asked, Felicity tried to move towards her but couldn't because of the chains, "where are we?" Asked Felicity, "I have no idea" responded Laurel sitting up. Then the door opened, "ladies!" Exclaimed Adrian, "Adrian? What are you doing here?" Asked Laurel, "oh well, everyone knows already I think you should know too, I'm Prometheus" answered Adrian, "I knew it!" Exclaimed Laurel, Felicity looked at her. "It just seemed to weird you know since the woods when you appeared to save Felicity then were missing when Prometheus attacked Diggle, then when we went to look for Ruve you didn't go with me and Prometheus appeared there, it was obvious" explained Laurel, Chase smiled. "Well congratulations Ms.Lance, you solved the mystery, too bad you solved it too late" told her Adrian kneeling besides her. Laurel took a deep breath. Chase smiled and stood up, "what are we doing here?" Asked Felicity, "you'll see" replied Adrian.

"Curtis can you or can't you help us find Laurel and Felicity?" Asked Oliver, "well I could" answered Curtis, "good then you're hired" told him Oliver, "hired? Wait you pay?" Asked Curtis, "what? no!" Replied Oliver angry, "Oliver calm down" said Diggle, "I need you to look if Chase has any loved ones" commanded Oliver. Curtis started looking, "he has a wife, he got married 2 years ago, ooh they had a winter wedding and..." Curtis kept talking but Oliver only heard the first part he has a wife, he went to get his suit, "send me her location" commanded Oliver.

The Green Arrow entered an apartment, it was all dark. Then a light went on, Oliver aimed an arrow to the person turning it on, a woman screamed and took a bat to protect herself, "I'm not here to hurt you Ms." said Oliver lowering his bow, then he turned around and shot an explosive arrow to the other side. The wall exploded and Adrian's wife screamed. Then Oliver was gone.

Oliver sat down in his mayor's office. Then Adrian came inside with an angry look in his face. "You went for my wife!!" He exclaimed, "Yeah I heard the Green Arrow attacked your wife, Im sorry is she okay?" Asked Oliver fake concerned. "Mr. Queen they are waiting for you" said Oliver's assistant, Oliver excused himself from Adrian. When Oliver got out he was met by thousands of reporters. "Hello, I wanted to talk to you about something, yesterday night the Green Arrow attacked the wife of the ADA, we didn't want to accept the fact that he had killed Ruve but we have to accept it now, he is a killer and he is after this good man (Oliver motioned to Chase) I now order we put Adrian Chase and his family under protective custody" said Oliver, Adrian's eyes widened up. Then Oliver got inside his office again. The policemen surrounded Chase, "we have to keep you safe Mr. Chase" said one of the policemen, Chase nodded, "thank you, I would just like to talk to the mayor in private to thank him" the policemen nodded and let Chase in. "So you want to keep playing games with me?" Asked Chase, "I'm not playing games with you Adrian, this is what you get!" Replied Oliver, "you shouldn't have done that" added Adrian, "why not?" Asked Oliver, "I'll tell you what Oliver, you tell those policemen to back off from me or I hurt Laurel and Felicity" Oliver laughed. "You can't if you are under protective custody" told him Oliver, "so you think you won?" Asked Chase, "fine, you can seat here and celebrate your victory and wonder who will I hurt with this knife" said Chase and walked away.

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