Prison Break

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Oliver was in bed thinking about Felicity's voicemail. He was so conflicted on what to do. He got up and started getting dressed. He didn't know what to do about Felicity. He wanted to get back with her, he wanted to be with her, Felicity made it clear she wanted it too on that voicemail, but he didn't know if she said it just because she was drunk. He checked his phone and it said Ruvé Adams' acceptance speech.

Laurel woke up in her bed, she got up and walked towards the kitchen, she saw Felicity passed out on the couch with a blanket on top. She went for a glass of water, she placed the glass of water next to Felicity and touched her shoulder, Felicity woke up with a groan, "oh I am sorry, I didn't mean to wake you" exclaimed Laurel, Felicity sat up and drank water. "How are you feeling?" Asked Laurel, "I am feeling regret, I regret drinking that much last night" responded Felicity, Laurel laughed. "Why did you drink that much?" Questioned Laurel, Felicity shrugged, "i just feel like my life is aimless now, I don't have a goal nor a destiny, I am screwed up" replied Felicity, "and that is because I got fired" she added, "no, that is because you experienced true love and then it ended, it's because of Oliver" said Laurel, "no its not" denied Felicity, Laurel smiled sadly, "it is, I have felt that before, after Tommy died, I had Oliver, but I pushed him away, I lost two people I love, the two men I have loved the most in my life, I tried hiding that feeling telling myself that it was because I was going through a lot, because I lost my job, when it really was him, I started drinking and taking pills, I ran away from the pain, you shouldn't follow my lead" told her Laurel, Felicity took a deep breath. Then Thea appeared, "hey, I am going to Ruve's acceptance speech, anyone of you coming?" Asked Thea, Felicity's shook her head, "I am coming" said Laurel, "are you gonna be okay?" Asked Laurel to Felicity. Felicity nodded. Laurel went to her room and took a shower, she then got dressed and left with Thea.

"I believe that this city can be saved, I believe it will be saved, so let's make Star City great again!" Said Ruvé Adams/Darhk over the microphone while the whole crowd began clapping. Oliver, Laurel and Thea were the only ones who didn't clap, they stood there until an interviewer came, "Mr. Queen, you came!" Said the guy, "well I am here to support the new mayor" answered Oliver, "good" then Ruvé Darhk started walking towards them, "Ill let you and your formal opponent catch up". Commented the interviewer and left, "Mr.Queen thanks for coming" said Ruvé, "well I am here to give you my support, I will always care about the good for this city" replied Oliver shaking her hand, "well I hope your friend have that too, Ms. Lance, its a pleasure to meet you" Commented Ruvé extending her arm for Laurel to shake it, Laurel faked smiled and shook her hand, "I am impressed by how you handled Damien Darhk's trial" added Ruvé, "I was just getting warmed up" exclaimed Laurel, "well my hopes are that you'll be too busy to handle the trial" started saying the new mayor, Laurel frowned, "District Attorney Ramsey is taking my new position as deputy mayor, and I would like you to replace him as DA, think about it, we could do great thing for this city" finished saying Ruvé, Laurel smiled at her and then looked at Oliver.

Oliver was talking with Diggle over the phone,
"So Merlyn has the idle?" Asked Diggle
"Yeah, we need to keep an eye on him"
"I'll talk to Andy"
"John, Laurel took a piece from it and we need to hide it, can you hide it?"
"Yeah sure!"
"Great, and also be careful with Andy, I don't want to put him into to much danger"
"Oliver Andy is strong, he is my brother, don't worry he'll be fine"
And with that the call ended.

"So are you gonna do it? Be DA?" Asked Oliver entering the bunker along with Laurel, "I don't know,  it could help keeping an eye on Missis evil" replied Laurel, "I think you should do it, I mean, you have worked for this for a long time and I think you deserve it" said Oliver, "yeah maybe, that would also mean spending a lot less time as the black canary" added Laurel, "this city has enough heroes with masks on, with Ruvé Darhk as a mayor it needs a hero without a mask, it needs Laurel Lance" Commented Oliver, Laurel smiled, "there is something I need to tell you Oliver" she exclaimed, "Felicity, she stopped by an alley near my apartment, I found her there and took her to my house, she was drunk, and she opened up to me, she kept saying both good and bad things about you, but I am pretty sure she misses you and wants to be with you" she explained, Oliver nodded, "yeah I knew it! She was drunk! She sent me a million voicemails, and they said that she wanted me and she loves me, I haven't said anything because I didn't know what to do" he said,  "Hey Oliver, it's done, me and Andy hid the piece of the idle" exclaimed Diggle entering the bunker, "you and Andy?" Asked Oliver, "yeah" replied Diggle, Oliver took a deep breath, "what's wrong?" Asked Diggle, "I don't think you should have done that" responded Oliver, "I trust him" said John, "well I don't!" Diggle frowned, "look, John, we live in a world where we can trust no one, what if he is playing double agent? Or worse what if he is on Darhk's side?" Questioned Oliver, "you're the one who told me to trust him! You're the one who told me that we can get him back from the Dark side, just like you did!" Started raising his voice Diggle, "except I didn't come back from the darkness!" Yelled Oliver, "so what? Just because you didn't it means that all men aren't capable of redemption? Not all men are like you Oliver, some of us grow, some of change, some of us evolve, you're stuck man! Stuck in yourself pity, and that is why Felicity left you!!" Exclaimed Diggle, Oliver raised his eyebrows and then Diggle walked away, "ouch" exclaimed Laurel, Oliver looked down, "hey, It'll be alright" she added placing a hand on his shoulder. "Let's just hope that idle nor that piece ends up in Darhk's hands" exclaimed Oliver.

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