Canary vs Siren

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"So what are you going to say?" Asked Sara sitting in front of Oliver in big belly burger. "Haven't we been through this already like 20 times?" He Protested. Sara smiled. "Say it!" Commanded Thea. "Alright. I will tell her I love her and that I look forwards for our beautiful future and that she is the best thing that has ever happened to me" He Responded. Sara slapped Oliver in the cheek. "Ow! What was that for?" He asked. "If you propose to her like that I will myself kick your ass!" She told him. Oliver laughed. "Look I just, I feel like if I rehearse this it won't work out, I want to say it from my own words" he told them. "Oliver we can't risk you saying stupid things and Laurel saying no" Said Thea. Oliver took a deep breath. "Alright I'm gonna go, Alex is waiting for me" Thea stood up and walked away. Oliver sighed and looked at Sara. "So, how did you two end up together?" Asked Sara, "Well, Felicity and I broke up and Laurel helped me throughout my heartbreak and we started spending a lot of time together after Darhk almost killed her and" Sara's eyes widened up. "Darhk almost what?" She asked. "What did Darhk do to my sister?" Oliver tightened his lips. "Don't worry that was like two months ago, she is fine now" Replied Oliver. "She better be" Added Sara. "Anyways, as we got closer and closer together we ended up kissing and then we started dating, then we broke up, and now we're back again" finished Oliver. Sara smiled. "You know, I have been waiting for this moment to come for so long" she commented. "What do you mean?" "Ever since you and Laurel started dating I kind of knew you two were meant to be, you guys just looked too cute and I really thought you'd end up together, but then as you two got cuter and cuter I started to get jealous. Laurel was always the best one of us, everyone loved her, she was the most popular girl in school and everyone had a crush on her" Oliver smiled at the memory. "I remember this time that I was talking with a friend of mine who turned out to be my crush, and then Laurel comes to me and tells me that dad was here to pick me up and that she was going to go to Tommy's, right after she left, my crush was like 'God Your sister is so hot!' That's where I started feeling so jealous, and after that I went to college and then you texted me, telling me you'd like to be with me, you had also been my crush since forever and I just did it without thinking, after that I saw the look in your face in the island, I noticed how you watched her picture every night, and when you slept you always said her name out loud, I knew that was love, so ever since that day I have wanted you to be with her, to propose to her and for you two to end up together and be the happy cute couple you always have been, and finally you are" she smiled at Oliver and then she stood up and walked away. Oliver took out his wallet and opened it. Inside he saw Laurel's picture. He felt so good every time he watched that photo, she took him to a better place. He smiled and kissed the picture. "You'll soon be mine, Laurel Queen" He Said.

Oliver opened the door to his apartment. "Laurel?" He asked. No answer. "Laurel?" He asked again. And again no answer. He stood there looking around. Then Laurel came out of the kitchen. "Oh hey you" She told him. Oliver smiled. "Hey" he replied. Oliver looked at her for a while. "What?" She asked. Oliver frowned. "You look, you look different" Laurel took a deep breath. "Why would you say that?" She Questioned. Oliver kept looking at her. Laurel started to blush. "Anyways, I am going to take you out tomorrow night for a beautiful dinner, how about that?" he said and kissed her in the cheek. "That, that would be really nice" she responded. He smiled at her, as he walked to the room he realized she smelled different. She still smelled good, but Laurel's scent made him feel comfortable, made him feel warm, this smell just didn't make him feel that way. Laurel looked at him as he left. She waited for him to fall asleep. When he fell asleep she left the apartment. She walked towards her basement. "So I just have one doubt, Are you and Oliver dating?" She asked. "I swear if you don't get me out of here you'll regret it, he will notice you idiot! If you don't even know we're dating how will you know everything we have been through and all those things that makes us a special a couple?" Replied Laurel. The other identical woman grinned. "So you are dating!" She Said. Laurel groaned and tried to get out of the handcuffs. "Would you at least bring me some water? Or do you plan on leaving me here till my death?" Black Siren thought about it for a second. "Yep" She Replied and walked out of the basement and up to her apartment again.

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