Playing games

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Oliver punched and punched the dummy, he was covered in sweat, Diggle got there. "What did the dummy do to you?" Asked Diggle, "he is lucky he doesn't need to sacrifice the people who he loves more, or even luckier he doesn't love anyone!!" Responded Oliver, "what do you mean? I thought you have what you want, I thought you wanted Felicity, don't you remember those painful days of wanting to get back to her?" Questioned John, "well, that is what I wanted, now I want something different" Oliver hit the dummy once more. "I don't understand" added Diggle, "its complicated" Oliver took a sip of water and cleaned his sweat with a towel. "Well if you wanted Laurel that much then why would you kiss Felicity?" Oliver sighed, "like I said, it's complicated" told him Oliver, "yeah, it always is" added John, "is that supposed to mean something?" Asked Oliver, Diggle shook his head, "your love life is always complicated, you keep pushing the ones you love the most away and punish yourself, you think that by pushing them they're safe, well let me tell you, it doesn't work out" Diggle crossed his arms over his chest. "Well, this time is different" replied Oliver, "so let me understand, you broke up with Laurel by kissing Felicity" Oliver frowned, "kinda figured you'd know that by now" he said, "can I just ask you something?" Oliver nodded, "if don't want Felicity anymore, why kiss her? Why not kiss any random girl in the street, or a model, or something?" Questioned Diggle, Oliver tightened his lips. "Because I don't want Laurel to think that I am a playboy again, who goes around clubs and just kissed any random girl, I do love Felicity, Laurel would understand more, besides there is someone I want to confuse" he explained, "confuse?" Asked Diggle, "I hope it works, and if it does, I will be back with Laurel sooner than you realize it" Diggle frowned. "Look man I don't know what is it that you have planned but-".   "Dig, you just have to trust me"said Oliver and then left the bunker.

"Good morning Ms. Lance" said Laurel's assistant, "good morning Nancy" replied Laurel, she sat down on her desk. "Here's your coffee" Laurel took the coffee, she took a sip. "Mmm, I hadn't drank one of these in a while" she exclaimed, Nancy got out of the office and Laurel started working. Then the sound of Nancy calling her was heard, "yes Nancy?" Asked Laurel, "apparently you have an appointment with a really cute guy, should I send him in?" Asked Nancy, "oh yeah!" Responded Laurel, Nancy opened the door to reveal Mark, he entered and Laurel could see Nancy behind him with her thumbs up smiling, Laurel laughed. "Nice office you have DA Lance" commented Mark, Laurel smiled and kissed him, "so what are you doing here?" She asked biting her lip. "Well, I wanted to come see you, and I also wanted to ask you on a date" he answered, "a date?" She asked and he nodded, "any day, at any hour" he added, Laurel nodded, "yeah, that sounds great" she told him and they started kissing, then the door opened, a man cleared his throat, Laurel and Mark pulled away and saw Oliver standing there. "Ollie!" Exclaimed Laurel, Oliver waved with his lips tightened, "hey, I just wanted to come by and say hello, so say hello to the new mayor" he said, Laurel's eyes widened up, "new mayor?" She asked, Oliver nodded. "oh My God Oliver that's amazing" she told him, he smiled at her.  Laurel went to hug him, he hugged her back, you're amazing he thought to himself, he wanted to stay in her arms for the rest of his life, he took a deep breath, and felt her delicious smell. Then they pulled away. They stayed in silence for a moment, "so, I guess, I should, you know, umm, head to my new office" said Oliver and then left, Laurel saw as he left and Nancy was at the door watching him with eyes of desire. "So what is he to you?" Asked Mark, Laurel pulled away from her thoughts and looked back at Mark, "he is my, my ummm, kind of my ex, but we are friends now, I think we are in a good place now" responded Laurel, Mark nodded and looked down, "what's wrong?" Questioned Laurel, Mark raised his head to look at her, "ex-boyfriend?" He asked, Laurel nodded. "What about it?" She crossed her arms over her chest, "nothing, it just seems like I have one hell of a competition" he said, Laurel frowned. "Competition? No, he, he dumped me by kissing his ex-girlfriend, he doesn't want me back right now, so you don't worry" Mark huffed, "what?"   "You clearly don't understand the signs do you? He clearly loves you more than anything and he definitely wants you back" told her Mark, "no he doesn't" she argues, "right" said Mark sarcastically, "call me for the date" he said and left. Laurel sat down in her desk thinking, then Nancy came in, "alright what is your secret?" She asked, Laurel frowned, "what?"    "What do you have to do to make two amazingly hot guys put their attention on you?" Laurel laughed. "I'm sorry Nancy, I can't tell you my secret" she replied, "Oh my God! Are you Victoria?" She exclaimed, "what?" Asked Laurel, "Victoria's Secret, you know the secrets of conquering the men, that's the secret, the secrets is about what clothe, more specifically underwear to use to conquer these men" Laurel started laughing. "I need to get back to work" she said, then ADA Chase opened the door, "oh my God now the ADA?" Asked Nancy, "what no! We are not- just go back to work please Nancy" Nancy left the office, "something I can help you with Chase?" Asked him Laurel, "yeah, I just wanted to tell you that the drug dealers's trail is happening tomorrow and the jury would like your presence" told her Adrian, Laurel nodded, "okay" she said, Adrian was about to leave but then he stopped, "are you and Oliver not together anymore?" He asked, "nope, he kissed Felicity and I caught him kissing her, we broke up" she responded, "wait he didn't fight for you?"   "No, as soon as I saw them kiss I left, we didn't speak in  a week and he is with Felicity, now when we talk is about work or just saying hello, but nothing too important" she added, "would you consider you're not the love of his life anymore?" Questioned Chase, Laurel took a deep breath, "I don't know if I ever was, he makes it appear like is Felicity" she answered, he nodded and walked towards the door, he had an evil smirk on his face.

"So, how did it go? Your first day of mayor?" Asked Felicity, "well it went fine" responded Oliver, they were in Felicity's loft. "Are you okay, Oliver?"   "Yeah, Im fine" he answered with a small smile and kissed her, then all the glass shattered, a hooded man with a mask appeared, Oliver stood up and got in front of Felicity in a protective way, "what are you doing here?" Asked Oliver, "so it begins Oliver Queen" commented Prometheus, "what do you want?" Yelled Felicity, "kill the love of his life, in other words kill you, destroy his life, show him how he infects every life he touches" replied Prometheus taking out his sword, Oliver grinned, "why are you smiling?"
"Nothing" responded Oliver, "oh, I see what you are doing Mr. Queen" then Prometheus put his sword away, "you want to play games? Fine I'll play games with you" Prometheus got close to Oliver, "you should remember, it's not good to cheat" he added then disappeared, "what are you doing? What are you playing at?" Asked Felicity, Oliver looked at her, "you have no idea" he replied.

"This was amazing Laurel, thank you for everything" said Mark as they walked in the street, Laurel smiled. "You paid it, you don't need to thank me" she told him, "I have to thank you for being so amazing that you made this night memorable" Laurel laughed and took his hand, "so we are going to the apartment ha?" He asked, Laurel nodded. They got inside the building and entered the elevator, they started kissing in the elevator. When they got to Laurel's floor they got out and opened the door to the apartment, they got to the couch, she removed his shirt and rubbed her hands through his abdomen. He slowly started taking off her shirt, he kissed her neck and she was smiling. Then the door opened, Thea gasped in shock. Mark quickly stood up and Laurel sat up, "sorry for interrupting, I shouldn't have" said Thea, "no it's okay, actually I was about to leave" replied Mark taking his shirt and putting it on. He kissed Laurel goodbye and got out. Thea laughed and went to sit next to Laurel. "Wow, you two are moving fast!" She commented, "yeah he is great" responded Laurel. "Oh yeah? Would you say I did right at making you accept his offer to date?" Asked Thea, Laurel nodded, "do you think you may have a future with him?"   "I don't know, I mean he is cute, and funny, and smart, he is also really sweet, and he is soo hot" Laurel explained, "I sense a but coming" told her Thea, Laurel took a deep breath "but, he isn't Oliver" then they heard screams of people outside the building, Laurel and Thea ran to the balcony, they could see in the streets a man, a hooded man. "Prometheus!" Said Laurel, "Laurel isn't that, Mark?" Asked Thea pointing at a man who was being held by Prometheus. Laurel's eyes widened up, Thea took her phone and dialed Oliver, she rubbed Laurel's back, then Prometheus disappeared along with Mark, "Ollie, We just saw Prometheus take Mark" said Thea over the phone.

Prometheus was on top of a building, then an arrow landed next to him. He turned around to see The Green Arrow standing there, Oliver took an arrow and aimed it to him, "you shouldn't have done what you did, you put them both at risk now" Prometheus said, "where is Mark?" He yelled, "you'll have to find him" said Prometheus then shot an arrow to a building and he jumped down the building we was standing at, the arrow he had shot released a rope where he was able to hold himself. He crashed inside the building and Oliver did the same after him, Prometheus ran away and Oliver followed, then Oliver found himself in a room full of mirrors that reflected him, "how does it feel? To look yourself in the mirror and not being able to recognize yourself?" Asked Prometheus, Oliver turned and turned looking for him, only his voice echoed through all the room, "like I said I know everything about you Oliver, I know you better than you know yourself, I know that you truly are..." then he appeared in front of Oliver, "a killer" Prometheus finished his sentence, as soon as Oliver saw him he shot three arrows to him. Prometheus fell down to the floor. Oliver took a deep breath wanting to believe it was all over, he walked towards Prometheus but then he saw something suspicious, it was tape surrounding Prometheus's hand and his sword, Oliver stopped walking, he felt panic everywhere, he dropped the bow and ran to the 'dead Prometheus' Oliver removed the mask and saw the man inside, the man inside was no other than Mark. He had tape in his mouth. "I told you Oliver, everything you touch dies!" Came Prometheus's voice over a speaker in the suit, Oliver couldn't hold the tears in his eyes, he hated Prometheus with all his heart, but in that moment he hated himself more. As soon as Oliver left the real Prometheus appeared and removed Mark from his suit, he took his phone and dialed the SCPD, "hello, yes I would like to report the sighting of the green arrow in an old factory in central street" said the man, "this is Assistant District Attorney Chase"

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