Chapter 1: Like Every Other Day....

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Hey guys so I have been thinking about so much of robin and have been getting inspiration from others to create my own story! I hope you like the photo above. All the love goes to the original artist. I hope you enjoy!


It was like every other day...... The titans had fought evil and had just returned to the tower. Starfire raced to her room to play with silky, robin sat on the couch, and beast boy and cyborg raced over to the couch to play their games. Raven meditated in the corner and occasionally yelled at the pair to be quiet. This was their daily routine. But little did they know something was going to change their day, and take a unexpected turn.

Robin laughed and watched the pair of best friends push and shove each other with one anthers remotes and laugh. Cyborg did a right hook to beasts character then beasts would knock out cyborgs. Robin smiled, but then he ran to the bathroom almost tripping into Raven. 

With Robin

I ran into the bathroom and emptied the contents in the toilet. Was I sick? I sat on the floor then proceded to throw up. A knock on the door seemed to bring me to reality. "Robin? Are you okay?" I went to reply when I threw up again. About an hour went by and everyone asked but I couldn't answer. Finally I laid on the wall and opened the door to my four worried friends. "I think I'm sick." Starfire showed a smile. "Well I can make something for you-" All the sudden my vision began to blur and no sounds came to my ears. I stood up only to fall to my knees. 

"Robin!" Then the darkness swallowed me up. 

"Come out son." "I don't wanna!" "Your mom put a lot of work into these outfits, come on out son." A small figure walked out of the darkness revealing a 8 yr old robin. "Do I have to wear this, why is it so colorful?" A women stepped forward. "Because when your up there Richard you remind me of a robin." The boys face protruded into a frown. "A robin! Like the bird? You know kids my age get picked on for names like that." The tall man squatted down to Robins height. "Well why don't we call you our flying squirrel?" Robin laughed. "You know dad I'm not the only one who sounds weird." "Weird why you." The man grabbed robin and the women and began to laugh. 

The team carried robin to their med bay and called one person they thought they would never have to call. Batman.

Batman was sitting atop the Wayne Enterprise building when his earpiece rang. "Hello." the dark night said. "Batman its the teen titans, its robin-" Before they could finish the phone hung up. "Well I thought he would care." The group turned around and looked at their robin who was staring back. "ROBIN!" the team shouted as they ran over to his bed. "Wa-What happend?" Starfire looked at everyone, then back to robin. "You were throwing up, and then passed out. Are you okay now?" Robin seemed to be processing this and started to answer when the zeta tubes spoke. 

"Recognized Batman 01"


Hey guys so I redid this chapter due to the way it sounded but Im glad I got this far. I really hope you like it so far! So questions questions

Is robin sick and what is batman going to do? See ya next chapter!

Word Count 589

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