Dead Still Walking

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The people of the world were in there on personal war over power and money.  After a nuclear plant exploded.  Something evil happened that cause the dead to live once again.  The nuclear explosion somehow woke up the dead. They slowly began to come out of their grave, feeding on the living was their only desire. In one week,  mostly everyone was infected. Those who survive created their own gated community, where they can live safe from the bitters, who were taken over the world, bite, by bite.

The world was in danger of losing the human race.  After a week many were bitten, eaten and turned.   About ten miles away were a group of survivors.  Who was also trying to stay alive and not eaten by the dead that was now everywhere?

The group of five women, two small children, and seven men had just miles to reach a deserted town.  "My god, we're finally here said Roxy as she puts her bags down on the ground.  It was a hot day and they had been walking forever.   "Don't stop, keep moving we must find a place to rest," said Jackson when he noticed an empty RV in the middle of the street.   "Look at that beauty." he said   "You ain't kidding.  You think it runs?' asked Jim   "I guess we must go and find out.   You come with me, the others hide in the side of the house.  We'll be right back." said Jackson as he and Jim walked slowly towards the RV.   Jim slowly took a quarter and tap the door slowly, but loud enough to be heard.    "Let's see if we have a bitter," he said    Suddenly he the door began to shake and the horrible cries of the dead got louder by the minute.  

"So, how many do you think are in there?" asked Jim   "Can't say.  Get ready when I open the door.  On the count of three.  One, two.three, " he said as he quickly opens the RV's door, then quickly moved back.    Instantly a bitter jumped out land on the ground two others followed.  Jim stabbed the first in the back of the head, not let him get off the ground.   Jackson was approached by a very strong large bitter, which was able to knock him down on his ass.  As he kicks him in the face, a large knife that was attached to his boot, stabbed the bitter through the right eye.   Jackson quickly moves back as the dead fell towards him landing on top of his legs.  "Shit not again," he screamed as he kicked the dead off another grabbed him by the hair ready to bit his face.  Jackson fought, but the dead rotten skin kept peeling off making difficult for him to get a good grip.

Jim quickly ran to help to stab the last one that stepped out of the RV.  Then he quickly ran and with his hammer knock the head off, helping Jackson.     Jackson quickly pushed the body off of him and they both ran into the RV.    "Dude check for the keys," said Jim as he searches the cabinets, finding them filled with can fruits.   "Dude checks this out." he said   "Go get the others.  The women and children will be safe here while the men go out and search and clean up at least two houses.  We have been walking for two weeks we all need to rest. Go now." said Jackson  

"Well do," he said as he ran back down the corner where the rest of the group were waiting for their signal.  "Louis, get everyone up, let's move.  Every women and child in the RV.  They can rest and eat we found plenty of food inside.  Let's hurry up.  We don't know how many bitters are around." Jim said as he helps the children up and everyone headed to the RV.

As Ray, Issac and Jake stood and walked alert ready, just in case any walkers approached them.

Jackson stepped out of the RV.  "Roxy, there can fruit use your knife and open the cans.  You all can eat and rest.  I'll be taking four of the men with me.  Ray and Issac keep a watch for bitter.  Please make sure you don't make any noise.  We don't know how many are out there, so we must be quiet.  Lina, Timmy, you understand?" he said  "We are always quiet." said Lina who was nine.  "I know we are always quiet," said Timmy with a smile.  "Yes, but you two are always fighting.  Eat and rest, no noise. Got it?' he continued   Both of the kids didn't say a word and walked into the RV in silence.

"Sweetie, please be careful," said Roxy who was Jackson wife.  "We'll return shortly.  The house over there has a high steel fence.  What money can buy, that's for the rich." he said as he gave her a kiss, then she stepped into the RV.    Roxy, Jenny, Tanya, Ruth, and GG quickly sat the children down and proceeded to open up some can with there knives.

"Jim, Louis, Jake, and Tom, get your weapons ready.   You see that mansion over there. That's where we're going.  After we clear it of bitter, we'll go get the women and children.  They are well protected, maybe we'll find other survivors. Ready men?" said Jackson as he pointed towards a beautiful Victorian Brick Mansion.  The steel gates surround the entire property.  Jackson knew it will be a great spot to rest for a couple of days, something they all really need.

The men grabbed their gear and watching each other back began walking towards the mansion.  They reach the gates, realizing it was opened.  "You see that, get ready to fight.  The last one secures the gate," said Jackson as they quietly move the gate trying not to make too much noise.   Jim was the last one to enter.  He removed one of his socks and the twin gates together, then ran and caught up with his friends.

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