Chapter 6. Sixth Sense

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When Karen arrived at their house her mom was already panicking. Her dad continued to secret the black liquid from his nose. She wanted to bring him to the hospital. Fortunately Karen managed to convince her that it was due to the temperature of the season. When she was sure her mother was already occupied with something she would heal her dad. The anting-anting sure worked but Angelo’s conditions had gotten worst. Karen occasionally lookout the window waiting for Mrs. Fujiwara. The scratched her head worried sick that Akemi might be right. While she was looking outside her head started to hurt. Her entire sight went black. Karen tried hard to see. Then it occurred. Karen knew the same images that were flashed again inside her head. She was standing in a roof of a house, wearing a black dress with a laced fan on her hands. She was smiling, like an evil villain complete with her ominous black pearl eyes. The Evil Eyes. Opposite to her was Thea holding her dagger. They were about to clash when Karen suddenly broke out of the vision. She held her chest as she panted hard. Sweat were all over her head. Something moved on her hair. A butterfly. It flew away passing through their window. She remembered now. Her contract with the goddess of truth had made her bear the visions of the future. Futures that she cannot change. It was merely a message delivered by the butterfly, the goddess’s sacred animal. She heard the sound of a strong tricycle who have parked nearby. She quickly ran to reach their gates. Something’s telling her it was the Fujiwara’s mother. She opened the gates and tried to peak outside. Just as she was about to extend her view Mrs. Fujiwara appeared before her.

“Sorry I’m late. I need to prepare some stuff before I can get her.” Karen was surprised to see her visitor in a scrub suit. She just stood there with open mouth looking at Mrs. Fujiwara from head to toe. “Oh this? I thought maybe I can pose as a therapist so your obnoxious mom won’t be freaked out with my rituals.”

“Oh. Right, right. Come in. He’s really in a bad shape.”

“Karen that is the usual thing to happen to a cursed person. I just hope I can rid him of that.” She smiled. Then she followed Karen into their house.

“Mom! Dad’s uhm? Therapist friend is here. She wants to see how dad is doing.” Karen shouted. Within a minute Francine came downstairs to see Mrs. Fujiwara.

“Hello Megumi. Thank you coming. The guy is stubborn. He won’t let me bring him to the hospital.”

“Well then let us get started with this to see how it’s going.” Mrs. Fujiwara brought a medicine box with her. She carried the box while Mrs. Sta Ana escorted her to their bedroom. When they have reached the room they saw Mr. Sta Ana staring blankly on the ceiling. There is a look of unrest in his eyes but he doesn’t look as if he’s in pain. When he noticed the door was open he smiled and acknowledged his visitor. At the same time the black liquid came out of his nose.

“Oh my god.” Mrs. Fujiwara was stunned by what she saw. She looked at Karen trying to say something. Karen’s eyebrows crossed as she wondered what Mrs. Fujiwara could be implying. Then she noticed the movements of her eyes moving from Karen to her mother who was standing beside her. Karen realized Mrs. Fujiwara wanted her mother out of the room.

“Hey mom why don’t we prepare some food for Mrs. Fujiwara?”

“Oh yes, yes sorry. I’m gonna make some sandwich for us. Karen you stay here with your dad.”

“Oh Francine thanks I’m starving. I just went out from work.” Francine just smiled and then she went downstairs to their kitchen.

 “Okay kid why is your father seems numb?”

“I gave him this crystal thing that absorbs pain but it doesn’t cure him from the illness.”

“This a high level spell. And if you’re gonna learn something about curses, the disease it brought won’t go away unless the curse is broken. Now help me. Get those things inside the medicine box.” Karen did what she was instructed to do. The box contained some dried leaves, a small bowl, a box of matches and some paper charms. At the bottom was a small stick wrapped in small papers.  Mrs. Fujiwara produce some incense sticks and place it on the bowl. She lit the sticks producing a strange but soothing scent. She took the wooden stick and wave it in the air while chanting something in Japanese. Karen stood at the door anticipating her mother.  Megumi Fujiwara continued to chant. Soon the smoke coming from the incense form an image of a man. It wasn’t that scary at all or at least at first until it started to move closer to Megumi. Angelo let out a small sound as he opened his eyes. The smoke figure moved closer and closer until it’s in front of Megumi. It was just a matter of second when Megumi opened her eyes. She was shocked to see the smoke figure in front of her and then it clawed her. She was agile enough to dodge the smoke creature and used her wooden stick to attack the creatures. Producing some paper charm underneath her sleeves she used these to compel the smoke figure to stay on its position. Then jabbed the creature with the bottom part of her stick dispersing it in the air.

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