Chapter 22

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(Austin's POV) 

I couldn't believe it! It took me a moment to figure out what I was gonna do but I played it in my head and it was the only option. I sat down and worked my hand out of the knots they've been in this whole time. Once my hands were free I worked on my feet. It took me a bit but I eventually got the tight knots to loosen enough to slip my feet out. 

Once I was completely free I patted my pockets to see if they took my knife when they drugged me. Nope, there it was sitting in it's usual place. Perfect. I opened it and walked out of the bathroom. I realized I was in my school. How could I have been here for a week and no one known? Ohh, I was in the basement. No one ever went in the basement, not even janitors. It was the perfect place. 

I couldn't find my kidnappers anywhere, about half an hour passed until I relized they weren't here. I found the back enterance and through the window I saw Caleb being restrained my male kidnapper. I saw Dylan's face resting on Caleb's shoulder and Caleb struggled to get free. The girl, the one running the whole thing was walking toward them but I couldn't hear what was happening. 

(Caleb's POV)

I climbed the fence and walked around the school. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw her face. She was the last person I'd thought would be here. I felt someone grab me from behind. They were small but strong. I tried to fight back but it didn't work.

I heard Dylan's voice through gritted teeth from behind me. "Hey, pretty boy. My girl's been talking about you a lot."

I couldn't take my eyes off the female walking toward me, I didn't even see Austin in the window behind her until I saw the door move. I watched him walk up behind her, grab her and run a knife across her throat. My ex-girlfriend, the one that I told Tori about the first day we'd met in the park, was laying there dead.

Jessica had left me for Dylan. Why was she doing this? Austin saw my attacker and malled him. Man that kid can fight. Between the two of us I got freed. Austin and Dylan got into a fist fight when my phone vibrated. It was Tori. 

Tori babe<3-"I love you Caleb, i want to spend the rest of my life with you. If i cant do that then theres no use living. Goodbye<3"

I couldn't let her do. I took off sprinting toward her house. It was only about 20 minutes away walking so I could make it there in less than 10 running. I was running out of breathe just as I came up to her house. I heard a crash as I took the steps 2 at a time and burst into her door. I saw her hanging there and I screamed her name.

(Tori's POV)

I was all ready, I tied the rope from the support bar that ran along my ceiling. I was ready to die. I had stepped off the chair just as Caleb came bursting through the door. I tried to close my eyes so I didn't see him but they were bulging out of their sockets. I couldn't breathe because the rope was so tight. I wanted him in my arms again. I wanted to take it back. I heard him scream my name just as I felt the final crack at the back of my neck. So painful, so deadly, so permanent.

-------------------------The End-------------------------

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