Chapter 7

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*two weeks later*

(Caleb's POV)

"Hey, Tori, my mom wants to know if you'd like to come over for dinner tonight" I delivered the message as I was asked this morning by my mother, though there was no chance of me forgetting. I think my mom loves my girlfriend more than I do.

She smiled and said, "Okay! Can I come over early and help her make it? I seriously love cooking with your mom!" I think my girlfriend loves my mom more than me. Oh gosh! Womance! 

"Of course! But ya know you could come over early and...NOT....cook," I winked at her suggesting she spends time with me instead.

"Hahaha oh goodness! How about I come over EXTRA early?" She winked back. Nope, I definitely loved her more. We walked into the cafeteria and sat at our usual place, next to Tori's best friends Katie and Sarah with Sarah's boyfriend, Austin, who, ironically, is starting up a solo career but...wasn't getting too far. Too cocky... Katie and Nathan started having a "thing" but Nathan had "things" with about 20 different girls. Not in like a player, unfaithful way. He just kinda has something about him that they all seem to love! 

Nathan pulls a Monster energy drink from his backpack, casually breaking the Healthy Kids Act that clearly states we can't bring any carbonated beverages on campus unless it's sold here. He doesn't seem to care though...

"Nathan, sometime Mr. Row is gonna catch you breaking the rules and you're gonna have to, like, clean the gym ceiling or something!" Tori said. He doesn't quite understand that he can get punished by the teachers in public school. We're both awkwardly adjusting to our first few weeks here but I'm actually loving it, seeing with Tori everyday!

Later that day we rode the bus down town to my house. Tori called her mom and asked permission on our ride home, already confident that she would be allowed to go. I met her mom last week and she seemed to like me but I cant really tell. She had no problem with Tori coming over nearly everyday after class.

Once we arrived, I showed her my new song that I wrote. I didn't tell her the lyrics were inspired by her but I think it was pretty clear. She replied to this song with a series of playful kisses on my cheek, nose, forehead and finally lips. We got called to dinner and walked, hand-in-hand, down to the table that was set for six and packed with food. 

My dad said grace and we started eating. Right in the middle of the meal Tori's phone chimed, signaling a new text message. This was unlike her because she's always so respectful about that kind of thing.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I thought I turn my phone off!" Her face was as red as her half finished plate of baked chicken. She opened her phone quickly to stop the ringing, not really paying attention to the message but something caught her attention. She gave me a horrified look and I knew something was wrong.

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