Chapter 13

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(Tori's POV) 

Every ounce of passion went into both sides of our last kiss, though we stopped prematurely because we heard Hannah and Peyton walk in.

"Woah, don't dirty up Sarah's counter guys!" Peyton laughed as he picked up a muffin from the table.  My face got a little red as Caleb held my waste, helping me off the counter. We returned to our places at the table, Hannah was sitting on Peyton's lap and they shared a banana nut muffin. They're so cute together! It's been 8 months since they started dating and I'm seriously happy for them. 

When Hannah and Peyton first started dating Sarah and I were scared that she would be leaving us and break up our group. We've been best friends since 5th grade and they were the first REAL relationship any of us had. We were so close and the potential for disaster put us all on edge. But all is well because Sarah and I probably love Peyton more than Hannah and he fits in so great. I think Peyton's like the only person that can get Hannah to talk in a group! I didn't mean to give off any signal about what had happened between Caleb and I but I think in my attempt to erase the distressed look only made it more obvious. 

(Hannah's POV)

I could tell something had happened but I didn't know how to bring it up. I decided to text Tori.

To: Tori- "We need to taaaaalk :)" 

I watched her receive the message but she was good about not revealing it was from me.

*1 New Message*

Tori-"bathroom?" Reply: "meet me in Sarah's room in 5<3"

"Hey, I'll be right back. I have to use the restroom," I told Peyton, giving him a kiss on the cheek and standing up from his lap. I walked in the direction of the bathroom but, once I was out of sight, I took a sharp left toward Sarah's room instead. About 5 minutes later, Tori walked in and shut the door.

"Hey girl, what's up? Something happen with Peyton?!" she asked sarcastically.

"HA! Yeah, no...Something's up though. What happened before Peyton and I got to the kitchen hun?" I asked her but I think she already knew I was gonna ask her. She suddenly got serious and her face became as hard as a stone. I could seriously carve a sculpture into it. 

"Well, when I was sleeping last night I guess I rolled over a little too far and my arm fell." Oh my gosh. I knew what happened. 

"Did he see..." She nodded before I even finished. I knew Tori cut, and I've tried to help her stop. She hasn't done it for a while but between her mom, school, and now her dad I was pretty sure she'd done it again. Her eyes started to swell up with tears so I walked over and hugged her. "What did he say? Do you need to talk about it?"

"He just told he me saw them and that he wished I'd told him but he'll always love me and few scars aren't gonna change that"

"AWE!" Caleb is probably the best thing that's ever happened to her.

(Caleb's POV) 

"Hey man, Hannah told me you're some sort of singer. Right?" Peyton said. 'Some sort of singer'...oh gosh.

"Yeah bro, my brother Nathan and I have a little project we're working on." Tori and Hannah walked back in just as the phone rang. It was the Cincinnati Police Department. 

"Hello?" Tori answered, we were all confused so we gathered around, though no one but Tori could hear. "No, this is Sarah's friend Tori, her parents are away for the weekend. Why?" A few seconds past as Tori listened for an explanation. She looked up and then her face turned to pure terror as she dropped the phone and ran outside.

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