Chapter 20

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(Tori's POV)

This was it, I couldn't do it anymore. I don't know why it took so long for me to decide but I knew I couldn't hurt anyone else just to be with Caleb. I saw Nathan laying on the ground, Caleb sitting on his knees crying over his twin brother's dead body, clutching the note while 2 police men tried pulling him back. I started running home before Caleb noticed me standing there. Once I got there, I ran up stairs,  slammed my bedroom door shut, grabbed my phone and texted Caleb.

To: Caleb<3 "I'm so sorry caleb, i cant do it anymore. People are dying because we're together. I love you, ill always love you but i cant hurt people anymore." 

I sat on my floor with my back rested against the side of my bed, put my head on my knees and let it all out, waiting for his text that never came. It wasn't long until I heard a soft knock on my door.

"Come in." My mom opened my door and sat with me on the floor. 

"Honey, I cant stand to see you like this, what happened today?" She asked as she rubbed my back trying to comfort me.

"Mom," I lifted my head up from my knees to look at her, "Nathan's dead. First dad, then Sarah and now Nathan." I rested my head on the inside of her shoulder as she desprately attempted to comfort me.

I spent the day in my room switching from mindless chores to homework to surfing the Internet. Nothing really took my mind off what was happening. Eventually, I decided to just give up and go to bed. At about 3 AM, I woke up to a knock on the outside of my window. It scared me until I saw Caleb standing on my second story fire escape. It was cold outside, so I let him in. 

"I got your text..." he said to me as he stepped in. "I hate what's happening, but I think it should be this way, too. I love you, Tori, and I always will." I opened my mouth to answer him but he started kissing me before I said anything. This is probably the last time we'll be alone together, since every time we're seen in public someone we love shows up dead. 

My hands automatically went to the top of his shirt, there weren't buttons this time so I just gripped his collar and pulled him closer, I just couldn't get close enough to him. Our lips never left each other's as we backed up and layed on my bed....

--tralalalalala I promised this would stay P.G. 13 so lets just say Tori and Caleb made cookies right now--

The next morning, I woke up in Caleb's arms. It was Monday so we both had school. I ran my hand across his bare chest and got up. I didn't care what I wore so I just grabbed sweats and walked to the bathroom to put them on. When I came back, Caleb was putting on his shirt from last night. There were no final words, no last kiss, nothing. He opened the window and climbed out. He looked me straight in the eyes and I could see tears starting to form. I watched him climbed down the ladder and run home. I'd see him at school, but we'd never sit by each other again, we'd never hang out again, it was unbearable. At that moment, I felt true heart break.

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