Chapter 12

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(Tori's POV)

- -Next Morning- -

Caleb was still asleep when I woke up but I REALLY had to pee. So I slowly got up, trying not to wake him...which failed.

"Sorry, Caleb! I'll be right back." I whispered when his eyes fluttered open. He just closed them and went back to sleep.

I finished using the restroom, washed my hands, brushed my teeth and when I opened the door, I was surprised by Caleb's cute, curly bed head. Man he's so adorable.

"Good morning, cutie," he said. I blushed and looked behind me pretending to search for someone.

"You talking to me?" I giggled and hugged him.

"Haha, no her!" He nodded to something behind me so I looked again. He kissed me on the cheek quickly while my head was still turned then on the lips once I faced him. 

Just then my stomach growled and we simultaneously decided to find food. We walked back to the livingroom where we slept and found Sarah and Austin we're awake. Hannah, Peyton, Nathan, and Christy were still sound asleep so we decided to leave them alone. In the kitchen, Sarah asked if any of us wanted some Starbucks. Obviously we all said yes, so Sarah told us to help ourselves to the muffins and juice she had on the counter and Austin drove her to get our coffees.

"You have a bit of blueberry in your teeth hun," I informed Caleb. Rather than working to get it off he just smiled and made it more obvious. I burst out laughing and then realized some people were still sleeping so I covered my mouth and continued to laugh. He got the blueberry off when something caught his eye. At first, I thought he was staring at the two thirds of my muffin I had left, but it was actually my bracelet.

"Where'd you get your bracelet?" He asked me but I didn't think he really cared about the was something different.

" dad gave it to me" I put my muffin down and hid my hands under the table cause I was embarrassed and didn't want him to see what the think bracelet was meant to cover up...

"Wait can I see it again?"

"Umm, sure." I took it off, handed it to him, and then put my hand back under the table. He set it down and looked at me funny...

"Tori, I saw your wrists last night while you were sleeping..." My heart sank to my butt and I my eyes burned with tears. This was pretty much the only thing about myself I hadn't told him yet...

(Caleb's POV)

I stood up and walked around the table. She stood and hugged me. "I'm sorry, Caleb..." She whispered to me as we hugged. I felt my heart beat speed up and I hoped she couldn't hear it...

'Every time she cries,

My heart starts to race'

The lyrics just popped into my head and I suddenly knew what I was gonna do. I'm gonna write Tori a song. Not now, obviously...but as soon as I get home.

"Tori, why didn't you tell me?" I released her and stepped back a bit so I could examine her face. A lot of good that did, she just stared at the ground.

"I was going to...really. But I thought you wouldn't want to spend time with someone that cuts herself...I swear I stopped a few months ago but then I found out about my dad...I couldn't take it. So the other day I cut again..." I couldn't believe it...

"Tori, I love you. Nothing can change that. The past is the past and I know you've been through a lot. All I want to do is help." I took the back of her hand, held it up, and kissed her scars. I tried to avoid the fresh ones because they only looked a day or two old and I didn't want my kiss to hurt her. I let go of her hand and wiped her tears with my thumb. She kissed me...hard. I kissed her back. She slid up onto the counter, wrapped her arms around my neck like usual, and legs around my waist. But this was so much more than usual, it was meant more.

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