Chapter 10

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(Tori's POV)

There have been cops at my house for weeks! I'm so terrified. My mom called them and I got taken in for questioning as soon as I got home but I don't think I was much help to them. The only questions I could answer were the one's they already had answers to.

"Have you been seeing anyone recently?" The lady cop asked me.

"Yeah, his name's Caleb. The guy you refuse to let me see! I don't understand why you wont let me out of the hell hole for 5 minutes to be with my boyfriend!" Okay, yeah that was a little harsh...but they were seriously being psycho and not letting me see him for hours. What harm could come from me seeing him? 

"Well, we're pretty sure who ever did this has been involved with him at some point. What if they're watching him?" That didn't help me at all. First my dad, now my boyfriend. Why would anyone do this? 

"Okay, well I don't seem to be helping you much here so can I at least see my mom?" I asked politely, trying to make up for how rude I was before. I cant control myself though. My body just feels like I'm a zombie. My eyes are constantly glazed over, my mouth is dry and lips are cracked, and my face is always red from crying. It's been three weeks since my dad died and the only person I REALLY want to see right now the only one I cant. Caleb.

I miss him so much. My dad I mean. We were so close, even after him and my mom divorced a year ago. Whenever I was upset I'd go spend a weekend at his house and just his presence made me feel better. No matter how bad things got he always managed to put on a smile and make a few jokes just for my sake.

"Yes, your mother is waiting in the lobby. You may go see her. I believe she said she brought you lunch, also." Oh yeah, that's another thing. I cant eat either. I've lost 25 lbs. since this whole thing happened. The last time I had a REAL meal was that night at Caleb's house...which didn't stay down very long. 

I walked out of the room, down two flights of stairs, avoiding the elevators because I've always been afraid of them. I saw my mom, sister (18), and baby brother (4) sitting in the tan leather seats set out for people waiting. My mom is in the same condition I am. Complete zombie. We haven't really talked about what happened at all. I hate talking about it. 

This is how I deal with bad situations: I lock myself away from the world, turn on my music, and cry my eyes out. Why? Because I've always had to be the strong one in my family. My sister's never there and my mom doesn't deal with things. I have to man up and face the world on my own. I'm the back bone of my house and it's starting to get to me.

She held out a bag of Chipotle. Man that sounded good. I'd never had it until I met Caleb. He and Nathan live off of that stuff. I took it just incase I decided to eat. I really was starving. "Thanks, Mom." I walked out the door into the cold November weather. I left my jacket inside but I didn't care because I just wanted fresh air. I walked around to the side of the building, sat against the wall, and grabbed my phone. 

*3 New Messages*

Caleb: "Just wanted 2 c how ur doing. Lemme know when they let u out"

Caleb: "ps. I love you <3"

Sarah: "Party @ my house 2night. Get ur mind off things babe."

Re. Sarah: "Can Caleb come 2?"

Caleb, oh goodness I missed him. A party sounds great though. Seriously. But Sarah's parties are always so much better than normal parties. We're the cool kids in high school that don't drink or anything. Believe it or not that's the better way to party. What we do is get together, make a huge amount of Kool-Aid, eat as much pizza as we can hold, play bop-it, twister, and pictionary, then watch a movie. The movie is my favorite party. Dark room+Caleb= Great. My phone buzzed right when I took my first bite of food.

Sarah-"DUHHH(; My house. 7:00. Let him know!" 

Before I could reply I got another message: 

Caleb: "can we talk tonight? just u and me?"

Poop. Sarah's party. Reply: "Crud! I just told Sarah we'd go to her party tonight! :\"

*2 New Messages*


Caleb: "lets do it! we can meet up early and talk then?"

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