Chapter 9

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(Ricky's P.O.V)

I woke up with the love of my life still in my arms. I smile at her and kiss her head. She stirs and snuggles closer to me. She's so fucking adorable! I smile again and get out of her grip. I got a shirt and pants in and left my room, heading downstairs.

I realized that one one was home, I had a couple texts from them tell me they all left together. I role my eyes and thought of my baby girl last night. I smile softly, I'm gonna make some breakfast for us.

While I was cooking the bacon, I felt arms go around me and a kiss on the back of my neck.

I smile, "Morning princess."

"Mmm morning." She grumbled, snuggling closer to me.

I chuckle, She let's go and sits at the table.

"I got a text from my dad saying he went out with the other guys." She says and yawns at the end. "So what are we gonna do today?" She asks tiredly.

I put some food on two plates and walked over to her, setting a plate in front of her.

"It's up to you princess, we can do whatever you wanna do." I said and sat down next to her.

She looked at me and kisses my lips, then digging into the food.

We were currently sitting in the couch watching a movie. She was cuddled into my chest and I had my arms wrapped around her tightly. I leaned down to kiss her neck, seeing the marks I left.

I smirk, "you know you're gonna have to cover those marks up." I whisper in her ear.

"Mhm." She moaned.

I stopped and looked at her, and she looked at me. We smile and kiss each other's lips. We pull apart and rest my forehead on hers. Then the front door burst open and the voices of the guys filled our ears.

We jumped apart and acted like nothing happened.

"Hey kids!" Chris called.

"Hey dad." Mae replies.

"Hey." I say as well.

Me and Mae both look at one another, and release a sigh of relief. Soon everyone else's joined in and watched the movie with us.

"Hey Rick." Vinny said next to me.

"Yea." I reply.

"Wanna go to this bar with me later?" He asked.

I look at my baby girl and see she has a look of sadness and fear in her eyes. I don't really want to go, I wanna stay here with my princess and cuddle in my bed.

"Umm I guess, Sure." I say.

Mad gets up and walks up the stairs. I sigh and get up to, going after her. I saw her walk into her room, I slowly walk up to the door and knock softly.

"Come in."She said very quietly.

I open the door and close it behind me. I see her all curled up in the blankets. I sigh and walk over to her, and sit on the edge of her bed and stroked her head.

"Mae, what's going on." I say softly.

"I don't want you to go." She said, quietly.

"I know I don't wanna go either, but I don't wanna have Vinny go all by himself." My voice still soft as if I raised it I would break her. "Can you look at me please." I ask.

She looks up at me with the most innocent eyes I have ever seen. My heart started to swell regretting that I said I would go.

"Come here." I said and pulled her into my arms.

She snuggles into my chest, not wanting to leave my arms. I rest my head on hers and keep her in my arms.

"I don't want to leave you." I said.

"Ricky, you should go, I don't want you to be cooped up here. Just go and have fun." She told me, looking into my eyes.

"You sure?" I said.

She nodded and leaned up to kiss my lips. I kiss back softly, putting my hand on her chin. We pulled away and looked into one another's eyes. She smiled and looks down. I lightly laugh and kiss her head.

"You should get going." She said looking back up at me.

"You sure I can go?" I ask one more time.

She laughed, "Yes go, have fun."

I smile, "You're the best." I say and kiss her lips.

She pulls back and pushes me towed he door.

"Now go, Vinnys waiting." She smiled crossing her arms.

I can't stop smiling, I kiss her one last time and pull back.

"I love you." I say smiling like the idiot I am.

She laughs, "I love you too, now go! Times a wasting!"

I smile at her one last time and run down the stairs.

"Come on Vinny." I say.

He gets up and we get to his car. I was about to get in when I heard a knock come from a window. I look up and see Mae there smiling down at me and waving. I smile and wave back. She blows me a kiss and I grab it and put it to my heart. She smiles and looks down. I get in the car and Vinny and I road off.


All I Need Is You •A Ricky Horror fanfiction• Where stories live. Discover now