Chapter 21

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A/N - Ooh , 21 . My story is legal to drink in the US . Anyway , this is just a note to say A) Thanks for all the support ! XD and B) It's not Warped Tour anymore , sorry ! They'll be touring the same places , but for most of the time it will just be All Time Low !!!

Over my head , I could hear the music . If you listened close , you could probably tell what song , but I wasn't listening . Sam tugged us all into the centre of the dance floor , and began to teach us basic dances , since both Charles and I were amazing uncoordinated . Despite her shyness , Pommie was a surprisingly good dancer . After a while , Sam and Pommie left the two of us to our awkwardness .

Charles and I wandered over to the open bar . Since we were still minors , we got a Coke each , and sipped it cautiously while watching the rest of the party . Especially Jack , who seemed to be quite the party animal . He moonwalked around wearing some pink cat mask he'd found . Alex , Grieco and a few others I didn't recognise began to follow around after him , making some kind of a train . The DJ noticed them , and changed the track to something more appropriate .

Can can can you do the can can , can you do the can can ...”

I began to laugh as Jack led the group in a cha-cha around the dance floor .

“I wish I was wearing flares !” He shouted to me as they passed us .

“Ridiculous” Charles grinned . I laughed with her .

“Won't it just be brilliant when we're stuck in a tour bur with the lot of them ?” I teased her . Charles groaned , and hid her face with her hands .

“I don't know how I'll stay sane” She whimpered . I nodded .

“They said that they'll be kind of home-schooling us on the bus , didn't they ?” I asked . Charles nodded .

“Yeah , why ?”

“I hope Jack isn't our dancing teacher .”

“Halo !” Alex said , pulling over to meet someone else . It had to be the fifth time he'd done this in the past half hour .

“This is Lisa” He said , “Lisa Ruocco .”

Lisa had perfectly straight blonde hair , professional looking make up . Her dress was dark in contrast with her light hair and pale eyes .

“Hi , Hazel “ Lisa said , holding out a manicured hand . I shook it carefully .

“Nice to meet you Lisa” I said politely . “Um , Alex , I have to go ...” I thought hard to come up with an excuse , but there was no need .

“Kaykay , Halo !” Alex shouted . He leaned forward slightly , obviously a little drunk , and I winced . Matt was going to kill him .

“Hazel , Hazel !” Tashie shouted , yanking me over to her and Sasha . “This party is amazing !”

Sasha ignored me , and went on swaying her hips to the music . She was a good dancer , but that was hardly surprising . She was just that type .

“Tell that to the party planners” I told Tashie , who nodded over-enthusiastically .

“I will !” She yelled , “Who are they ?”

“No idea .”

It went on for hours . So long , in fact , that I ended up walking around with my eyes closed .

“Hey , girl” Darren said laughing at the sight of me , “Feeling tired ?”

I yawned in response .

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