Chapter 42

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"Did I make the right decision?" I asked my mom over the phone.

"Honestly Emma, there's no right or wrong decision in this situation. You two were young, we forced upon a marriage that wasn't bound to survive. If he still doesn't sign the papers go ahead and date anyway. Move on from him," My mom advised, I thanked her and hung up the phone. 

I walked back into the living room to see Alfie harassing his older brother, so I had to pull the two apart from each other and distract them with toys and games, which Louis was very happy about. 

It had been a month of me waiting for Daniel to sign the papers, which he hasn't done yet. He still refused to defriend Angie, and I just couldn't be in a relationship where I knew he was still in love with a girl that he had sexual intercourse with the day before I finally faced him in person. 

I regretted picking Daniel over Jonah, but I never regretted our children. The one gracious gift that Daniel gave me, besides our pets. There was something though about going through this divorce that just didn't feel right. 

It was one in the afternoon and I was scrolling through twitter when I saw many tweets to Daniel from some of my friends calling him names and bashing on him since they knew we no longer lived together and spent time with each other, but no one knew about the divorce except close friends and family. 

That's when I decided to tweet out from a picture in notes, 

@Puppybeauty: All of you stop talking badly about Daniel! He's still a good person, and even though we are not together any longer doesn't mean I hate him. Everything is fine, and all that's left to do is sign the papers. 

@Puppybeauty: Also tomorrow's gonna be a good day! Got a sitter for the boys, gonna be with the personal trainer and go see Why Don't We's show in LA! 

Just a few minutes later I got a DM from Shawn Mendes himself. I freaked out for a few minutes since he was still so famous and amazingly talented. He was just a year older than me, the same age as Jonah. 

@ShawnMendes: See you there 😁

@Puppybeauty: R u actually going? I've been following you ever since you released the Shawn Mendes Ep back in 2014! 

@ShawnMendes: Glad to know ur a fan, now it'll give me the courage to talk to u in person. 

@Puppybeauty: Just a warning, when I see u there's the chance that I will fangirl. Along with all the other girls who see u. 

@ShawnMendes: Hopefully I'll be able to spot u in the crowd, I'm performing with them for one song as a surprise. I know u can keep it a secret because ur probably used to this. 

@Puppybeauty: Of course! Can't wait to see you then. 

@ShawnMendes: Can't wait to see you too

Deciding to post that on twitter was a terrible idea because the internet blew up that night. Articles about world-famous pop star Daniel Seavey divorcing beauty/vlogger youtuber. Daniel and I both knew we'd be coming up in news everywhere in America. 

The questions that everyone was left with was, what would happen to the children? Who gets full custody? What led to the divorce? I knew I would never publicly answer those questions since some things in life were meant to be unknown. 

A few minutes later I got a call from Corbyn, which barely happened unless he had some minor problems with Christina, or he had to be reminded of important events in his own life that I'd remember for him. 

"Emma. He signed the papers because of the tweet. He didn't want any controversy or anything and didn't want it to get out that he wasn't even going to sign them. They're here though, so I guess it's all confirmed. Your separation with Daniel is a permanent one, you're still going to let him see them, right? And the new one?" Corbyn questioned. 

"Of course I will," I answered, "It's just now is not the time. I'll see you all though tomorrow. Thank Daniel for me, for doing this. I know how hard it was for him, but it's the right thing to do. There's no recovering from what he did with Angie or what I did with Jonah—"

"YOU HAD SEX WITH JONAH!" Corbyn interrupted and I swear the whole house probably heard him. 

"Calm down, my boys are with me right now," I hushed him, "And no, we just made out in the car, but I know Daniel did things with her." 

"I'm sorry Emma, I'm sorry it had to end like this," Corbyn apologized.

"I'm sorry I couldn't make it work," I told Corbyn, but now Daniel and I's relationship was in the past. Nothing mattered from what happened in the past, and now we were just friends, recovering from a rough time together. 

"Mommy," Louis stated, "Where's Dada?" 

I had told Louis that he was on a business trip for the previous month, but now was the time to come clean. I hung up the phone quickly with Corbyn and then I turned to Louis.

"Daddy won't be around anymore, not like when he's on tour, but Mommy and Daddy are no longer together. It's just you, me, Alfie, Pebbles, Bamm-Bamm, Lucy, and Ricky. Now you and Alfie are truly the main men in my life. Mommy loves you, and so does Daddy. It's just Mommy and Daddy no longer love each other like the way Mommy could possibly love you and Alfie," I explained to Louis knowing that he wouldn't understand until he was a little older, but it was best to reinforce the idea of Daniel not going to be around more. 

All I had to be excited about was that tomorrow was a new day, where everything would be alright and I'd be able to go to a concert with no drama and see Shawn Mendes. Tomorrow was supposed to be the best day. 

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