Chapter 27

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Both Daniel and I were right, Logan wasn't joking when he said he'd be there for the birth of our son because once I had finished giving birth to a baby, Logan was let into the room and Daniel was in the process of cutting the chord. 

Once Daniel cut the chord they put the baby to my chest, where I just cried looking at Daniel and I's wonderful healthy baby, which we certainly didn't deserve. Other women who are much older and experienced have to go through large processes of having children and they don't even turn out healthy, but Daniel and I were fortunate for our baby boy, born on May 30th. 

"What's his name?" Logan asked Daniel and I, of course, he was vlogging and at this point, I didn't care since most of my life was vlogged. 

"Louis Jack Seavey," I answered into the camera as Logan showed our son to all of his subscribers, "Healthy baby boy, born on May 30th, one in the morning. We're staying two days to make sure everything is alright, but then we'll be able to bring Louis home! Meanwhile, Daniel will be at the Why Don't We house since they're about to release a new single!" 

"Did you just plug at the birth of your son?" Logan asked laughing.

"I'm nineteen, of course, I will. Now get out Logan, Daniel and I want to spend some family time," I answered pushing him away and Logan quickly left 

That's when it was just, Daniel, Louis, and I. The nurses were out of the room grabbing things to test our baby with and the doctor was bringing out the birth certificate, so we were all allowed. Daniel picked our son up and sat on the side of the bed. 

"Louis Seavey. You are the only man in my life that I could possibly love, so much. Everything I do is for you, and I want you to know how much I love you and your mother. Our age doesn't reflect on how much we love you," Daniel explaining whispering to our baby and then the doctor walked in with a bunch of forms. 

"Decided on the name?" 

Daniel and I nodded our heads as we have all the information and the doctor filled everything out, just the way we wanted. We were already in love with our baby and it was only the first hour of his life. 

After a few minutes, the nurses had to take Louis away from Daniel and me to do tests, and it hurt a little to have my baby be taken away from my hands just after he was born, but I knew the tests were important for his health and for my own. 

I was told to rest for my entire stay at the hospital and was reassured that my blue-eyed, black-haired baby would be returned to me in no time. My mother was right about both the stay in the hospital and what the baby would look like. 

I rested for however long and I woke up to notice that I slept through an entire day, Daniel was nowhere in sight, and no one else was. It had seemed as if I didn't go into labor the day before. I didn't get up in case I get yelled at, but I turned the TV on and waited, only to notice that the birth of my baby had mine headlines. 

"Logan Paul announces nineteen-year-old friend, Emma Seavey's birth of son Louis Seavey with Daniel Seavey. Is he promoting early pregnancy? Some say he isn't because of a previous video log about how the baby was a mistake, and that young people of age should practice safe sex in order to prevent the turn of events in Emma Seavey's life, but will the youth even listen to Logan's warnings and just see all the happiness and none of the hardships behind the camera?" 

I made it my mission to get realistic in my own vlogs and videos, tell people that I will be posting less to take care of my son, tell people the hardships of having a son so early in life, I was going to make sure no one saw every happy thing about my life.

A nurse walked in as I was watching and she smiled at me. 

"Oh Emma, you shouldn't be watching that. You're good to walk around, but you still may want to rest. We're finishing up the tests today, your husband's picking you up first thing tomorrow, he left your phone for you," The nurse explained to me and gave me my phone and I thanked her and took it scrolling through Instagram post on the Why Don't We page. 

There was a picture of Daniel and Louis and the caption was: Nineteen, a wife, a kid, wonderful supportive fans, supportive band members. We're here for ya' Daniel! 

I read through all the comments mainly either supporting or hating, which I didn't mind at all since I knew this baby would get me a lot of hate, but give me a lot of love. I had no regrets from that point on about deciding to have Louis. 

Many of the other comments were things about how Louis' middle name was Jack and how it confirmed Jack and Daniel shippers and how Daniel was secretly in love with Jack, but to be honest I was the one who picked the middle name of Jack since he was the only boy in the band I had absolutely no drama with. The first name Louis was after Louis Tomlinson of One Direction, who I still wished would get back together even in 2018.

I was on my phone for most of the time and then I walked over to where Louis was being held and I looked in the window to see him in a cradle labeled, 'Baby Boy Seavey' and I just smiled and stood there for a few minutes as doctors and nurses passed me, they were probably used to parents staring at their babies all the time, but Louis was something different. 

Roommates (Logan Paul and Why Don't We) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now