Chapter 13

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"Emma! Wake up, we're gonna be late for our flight!" Daniel exclaimed, this morning I wasn't woken up with a guitar. 

I quickly got up, clearly with no makeup on, or real clothes. I was just in a sweatshirt of Daniel's and sweatpants, but there was no time to change our flight was apparently in forty minutes and I wouldn't wake up. 

I rushed up and Daniel's parents and sister drove us to the airport where we got there literally as the plane was boarding. There was a long goodbye though, between Daniel's parents and sister, it looked as if Daniel's mom was crying, but I didn't want to be apart of the family reunion.

I smiled quickly and said goodbye as I brought my carry on onto the plane and took my seat next to Daniel. 

The flight attendant went through all the safety precautions and quickly we were in the air for two hours back to LA, my true home (besides Ohio). I loved Ohio don't get me wrong, but I felt like I belonged in LA.

I got onto the plane wifi and I noticed a text from Jonah, one from Corbyn, one from Jack, one from Zach, and two from Logan which was a little strange, but I opened up Jonah's first.


Jonah: You ready for tonight? I've got it all planned out in my head, I'm ready! 

Me: Listen, Jojo, I think we should postpone our relationship plans. Some things have just happened to me and I really want to take some time to clear my feelings. I hope you understand. 

Jonah: I do understand, is it with Daniel? Get back to me right away when everything's cleared up. 

Me: Just a few things with Daniel. I'm going, to be honest, and say I found a newfound affection for him... 

Jonah: If we don't work out, and if you and Daniel become something. Can you just not flaunt it around? And I understand if we become a thing I won't brag about it to Daniel or anything since we're in a band together. 

Me: Of course, of course. I don't want to ruin this whole chemistry between the band over dating. I may just choose to date neither you or Daniel, I want your band to become successful and I don't want you boys fighting. 

Jonah: I'd rather you date Daniel than none of us. If you can make at least one of us very happy, I think it's worth it then suffering and not being with either of us. 

Me: You're always so understanding Jonah. I never understood how you became this way, but Minnesota must have done wonders to you. 


Corbyn: Jonah literally won't stop talking about you coming back to LA, when are you getting back? 

Me: Two hours Corbyn, see you all then. 


Jack: Flight's delayed and I'm bored. Here's a pic of Sandi and me together though with our 'matching noodle hair'  see you in like seven hours... 

Me: Sandi is soo cute, love how you two match. 

Jack: Ayyy I'm on the plane now, so I'll see you in five hours! Here's another pic of Sandi by the way with my little sis, Isla. Ik how u like dogs better than me, I get it though. I like dogs better than you 2.

Me: Aren't you cheeky? 

Jack: Are we pretending to be British? I love doing this! *read it in a British accent though* 


Zach: Are things still weird between us? I feel like you've been avoiding me. I agree that we shouldn't be together. You're more like Jonah's type anyway. 

Me: No we're fine Zach. There's nothing to worry about. We should spend some quality just friends time.

Zach: Sounds good to me, just want you to know though no feelings are involved. I was just being stupid and cocky. 

Me: Totally got it, see you in a few! 


Logan: EMMA! 


Me: Logan, you really are something. I'll be back in two hours. I'm gonna take a break from all the Why Don't We boys though. 

Logan: Y? Did Daniel make a move on u? I swear if he did. He's a dead man. 

Me: No, it's just I have some feelings that I need to sort out myself. Anytime you invite any of them over can u give me a heads up, so I can leave. 

Logan: Gotcha little sis, Bamm-Bamm, Kong, Maverick and the fish are excited to see you. I'm okay though...


Then I put my phone in my carry on bag and I rested my head on Daniel's shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me, I could tell he was resisting the urge to kiss me on the head like a real couple would do. 

"Danny, when we get back you wouldn't mind if I just spend some time to myself?" I asked looking up at him and I noticed his frown that he quickly turned into a smile. 

"I don't mind at all. You take all the time you need, you'll text me though right?" Daniel asked the frown appearing more prominently on his face. 

"Of course, I'll text all of you, but let's act like we're just best friends again," I answered and Daniel's frown was still there, "Then I'll decide if we could possibly be more than that." 

"Okay, how about just one kiss though?" Daniel asked. 

"Fine," I gave in literally turning Daniel's frown upside down as he leaned towards me and kissed me, "This is the last time though. I just need to think, remember that." 

"I'll remember," Daniel replied, "I just really needed that." 

Then as I heard Daniel whispering a few things to me I found myself to start drifting off to sleep just thinking about Daniel and Jonah, thinking about all the possible outcomes and how I could ruin everything so quickly. 

That's when I woke up by the sound of Daniel's voice, it was time to go home into Logan's apartment. I'd spend some quality time with Logan and I wouldn't have to worry about any guys after all Logan would sometimes act like a girl just for me, and we'd go shopping and go to the salon together. I feel like that's something I could do with Jack also though, but of course, he'd make up with the girliness by probably teaching me how to skateboard; which I was absolutely terrible at. 

I just couldn't wait to be away from drama, away from guys I was attracted to in some way or another, I couldn't wait to be reunited with my puppy, I couldn't wait for my escape. That's when I realized that maybe spending a week in Ohio with my parents wouldn't be the worst, but I knew when things went wrong I couldn't go running home (as nice as that option seemed). 



I did this chapter on the same day cause I felt bad for not posting September 3rd because after all I did promise to update at least once a day. Also school is starting tomorrow for me (September 5th) and I'm looking over at my schedule only to realize I have no idea how to get to any of my classes or how I'm gonna figure out how to get to places. 

Also thanks for 122 reads! 

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