Chapter 22

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After Daniel took my phone I didn't get it back until literally two weeks later, he didn't want me seeing any of the hate or anything else. He was just trying to protect me and wanted me to avoid all the texts from everyone questioning me, but today was different.

Today was the day I'd tell all of my friends the real situation. Four weeks in, and thirty-six to go. It felt as if everything was just happening so rapidly. I had just been thinking and staring at the phone I was holding as Daniel stared at me trying to see my reaction. 

I had been getting a gym trainer literally five days a week, so I wouldn't gain so much baby weight and so I could stay healthy for the baby I'd be having in late May or early June. 

I began my first text and it was in a group chat with all the Why Don't We boys, I took a deep breath and began texting into the group chat.

Me: Honestly, I don't know if Daniel told any of you yet, but yes I am pregnant. 

Corbyn: Congratulations? I don't know how to feel about this, but yeah Daniel did tell me because he had to tell someone, so don't kill him. 

Jonah: Congratulations, it'll be a cute kid. 

Jack: How's everything going to work out? Eh, think about that later? Just celebrate now! 

Zach: A happy accident! 

Daniel: I told all of them, some of them are just pretending. 

I looked at Daniel, who just nervously smiled at me. I knew for a fact that he wouldn't tell them, so I didn't care that much. It was just telling Logan and Jake about everything which scared me, more Logan than Jake, but I knew for a fact Daniel wouldn't tell them. 

I took a deep breath and then I texted Logan to come over, but without vlogging since it was very important. He texted back right away and now I was just waiting for him to come from his new house to my apartment. 

That's when he walked in with no vlog camera and Daniel and I sat him down. 

"Logan, the rumors are true," I began.

"Daniel's moving in with you?" Logan hesitantly asked he was trying to make a joke out of something he wanted to avoid talking about. 

"Not exactly..." Daniel trailed off.

"I'm pregnant," I told him and he stood up and left the room, only to leave Daniel and me alone together. Daniel got up to follow him, but I sat him back down, "Give him his time. You know how much I mean to him, and how much he means to me. I told him before any of my family."

"Okay," Daniel gave in and we waited for Logan to come back and he did only two minutes later.

"When are you telling the public?" Logan questioned. 

"In seven weeks," I answered, "So once we know the gender also." 

"Cool, cool. When you announce it on my vlog channel cause I'm forcing you, talk about like safe sex and stuff," Logan replied, "But now as your best friend I have to say. What is wrong with you? What were you thinking? Did the condom break? Did you even use a condom? What's your family gonna think? He's always touring, how can you expect him to be there for you? You should have actually married Jake!" 

"I don't think we actually used a condom," I admitted, "My family is not going to be happy, but I can guarantee that Daniel will always be here for me." 

"We'll see, I swear Seavey, if you do anything bad to Emma, I will personally expose anything you've done to her," Logan snarled, Daniel nodded his head and Logan quickly stomped out of the room.

"One family member down," I teased Daniel, "Four more to go, my mom, my dad, my brother, and Jake." 

I had taken a deep breath before going on to the phone, but then I pressed call and knew there was no escape, my mom and dad would be on the line in just a moment. 

"Mom. Dad. I'm pregnant," I began. 

"Already? We always thought you and Logan or Jake would—"

"No! It's Daniel Seavey he's a really nice boy. Maybe next week we can go to Ohio and you can meet him," I interrupted.

"Oh... someone we haven't met before. We were honestly okay with Logan or Jake, but this Daniel boy. How'd you meet him? Who is he? What does he do? Does he love you? How do you know he'll stay?" My father asked and I just gave the line to Daniel. 

"Hey, Mr. Lai. This is Daniel Seavey speaking I'm originally from Portland Oregon, but I moved to LA to be in a band called Why Don't We, we met through Logan actually and I can confirm that last one," Daniel answered, "I'd be happy to meet you next week." 

"It's nice to hear you on the phone, yes it'd be great if you two came over next week. Maybe if Logan wanted to come home also for just a few days, his mother misses him a lot! Also when you get home we're talking in detail about this pregnancy!" My mom exclaimed into the phone. 

"Of course mom," I smiled even though she couldn't see it and then I hung up the phone, I knew when I got home all my parents would do was lecture me. The last two people I had to tell were Jake and my own brother, Aidan. 

I texted Aidan first, and he didn't respond, so I moved onto Jake. 

Me: Jake, I'm pregnant. 

Jake: So the rumors were true! With Seavey, 1/5 members of Wallmart One Direction? 

Me: Oh would you stop it, and yes with Daniel. 

Jake: Cool, cool. Are you announcing it yet? How far along? 

Me: Four weeks, announcing it when I'm eleven weeks. 

Jake: I'm gonna have to lecture you later, but right now I'm busy. Gtg bye. 

Me: Bye

I had gotten everything out of the way and I was perfectly fine, so far getting enough support even though I knew I was in for thousands of lectures on safe sex and Daniel would be in an awkward position, but he was telling his parents and I knew after my parents visit I would be going to Portland for the second time with Daniel. 

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