Chapter 41

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"Okay. Emma. You aren't going to like what I have to say," Jack trailed off it's been a month since Daniel just got up and left with my permission, he still hasn't come home, but we've been in close contact. 

"Go on," I sighed. 

"He still doesn't want to go back, he just wants to be a kid again," Jack told me and I just stared at my napping two-year-old and one-year-old, who were sleeping cuddled up to Lucy, Ricky, Pebbles, and Bamm-Bamm, "He's got a taste of freedom and he loves it, but he does love all of you." 

"Am I actually losing him?" I questioned, it had been a month after all and Daniel was enjoying his time with the rest of the band and not being in my life. 

"I think so Emma, the first few weeks he showed signs of missing everything, but now. Now I don't even think he likes your twitter posts as middle school as that sounds," Jack sighed, "You need to get him back before you lose him forever." 

"Maybe this is just a sign it wasn't meant to be. Maybe I should just let him forget about me," I told Jack. 

"Emma. No matter how hard he tries even if he ends up remarrying Angie, he'll never forget you and your kids," Jack replied. 

It was true, who would forget about their wife and kids? Who would forget about everything that they had? But then again, if it's for love people will do crazy things for love and I knew Daniel was exactly that type of person. It might have been better off to pick Jonah in the first place. 

"I know, but it's just it's not the same anymore. I still love him, but does he still love me?" I questioned, "Does Angie come over?" 

"She comes over..." Jack trailed off. 

"How often?" I asked.

"Every day since about two weeks ago," Jack answered. 

"I already lost him," I claimed. 

"There's always hope," Jack replied. 

"Then we'll just have to make it, I'm going over with Louis and Alfie, you're gonna watch my kids, and I'm gonna go tell Jonah to pretend to date me," I huffed crossing my arms and I saw Jack just look down. 

"It won't work like that! That's a high school way of fixing your problems. Now I realize Emma, that maybe it's for the best you just move on with your life without Daniel," Jack replied, "Him and Angie a few nights ago, they were... awfully loud." 

"I'm sorry what," I replied.

"Awfully loud a few nights ago," Jack repeated himself and by that time I had to excuse myself to the bathroom. 

Once I stepped in I looked into the mirror as my tears fell down into the sink. I was sniffling and quickly wiping them away trying to calm myself down. Jack shouldn't have tried to convince me to end the break with Daniel and just have him come home if he and Angie were just having sex. A break just meant some time apart from each other, not dating other people and having sex. 

That's the moment I knew Daniel no longer cared for either me or the boys, all I knew now was this third baby was not going to be a Seavey. Louis, Alfie and I were no longer to be Seavey's either. 

I took another deep breath before entering the living room, where Jack was sitting he was on his phone doing something and I walked over to him quickly wiping my eyes again hoping he wouldn't notice the meltdown I had in the bathroom. 

"Jack," I sighed, "Will you come with me to get the papers?" 

"The papers? Oh! Umm... sure," Jack answered.

"Will he sign them?" I asked. 

"Maybe," Jack replied, "Do you want full custody?" 

"I want full custody and the house is mine," I answered. 

"Maybe not then, I think he still cares a lot for you and the boys. He would never give all of this up, plus we're technically celebrities now if this got out that Daniel left his wife and kids he would have so much to explain in interviews," Jack tried to put a joke into everything we were saying, but unfortunately, it was unsuccessful in cheering me up. 

"Well he better," I growled, "Now, Jack. I think it's best if we just go now."

"But you haven't had time to think about anything," Jack protested.

"Daniel's had the time, and he hasn't spoken to me in person since. I love him so much I have to do this, but I know he doesn't love me anymore," I replied and Jack just nodded his head as I packed a bag in the car for the boys. 

I don't know what made me decide to do everything so quickly,  but before I knew it I was picking up papers for divorce and driving to the house where all the boys shared together. I burst in through the doors along with Jack who was carrying Alfie as Louis walked by side him and explored around. 

I went straight into the living room area where I saw Daniel sitting with Corbyn and I threw him the papers, "Sign this." 

"Why?" Daniel asked before looking at them. 

"Just sign," I begged and I noticed Daniel read the first few pages and he put it down. 

"I will not," Daniel answered. 

"Why not?" I questioned, "You haven't seen the boys in person for a month and you haven't seen me either, this break was supposed to be a week and Jack told me about what you do at night with Angie. You're basically cheating on me since a break does not mean have intercourse with other people and date them." 

"Emma, I do love you. I really do," Daniel replied.

"If you loved me you'd leave her and stop being friends with her, or you'd sign the papers. Pick your poison Daniel, pick it wisely," I snapped going into the room Jack was in and picking up my kids and walking out, I was making the right decision, right?

Roommates (Logan Paul and Why Don't We) [Discontinued]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang