Chapter 12

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I woke up in the morning to the sound of Daniel playing the guitar and singing to be while a camera was set up at his piano, I knew right away that he was lively-ing everything. 

I got up and rubbed my eyes, "Good morning Danny boy, and good morning to all of you!" 

"It's not the morning, it's the afternoon. I bet my bed was comfy," Daniel smiled at me putting down his guitar, and I was red while I read all the comments multiple ones were how they shipped us and some of it was hate, but hate never bothered me, "Guys we're gonna go hiking today, but I'm signing off now, it was fun answering your questions!" 

"Hiking? Where are we hiking?" I asked.

"W-we're going to Angel's Rest," Daniel stuttered a little maybe because he was excited. 

"Oh didn't you tell me that was your favorite place? I can't wait to go, does your sister have any jeans?" I asked, Daniel, nodded his head and left the room bringing back some jeans that I tried on.

They were a little too big for me at the bottom since I was literally only 5'2, so I had to roll up the jeans a little more, and then Daniel gave me a new sweatshirt to wear since it was pretty cold even though it had just become September. 

Daniel was already dressed wearing black skinny jeans and a black striped shirt which really made his beautiful blue eyes pop. 

We got into a car just the two of us and Daniel turned the radio on while we drove to get to Angel's Rest. We pulled into a parking lot and once we got out of the car I could just feel the nice breeze. 

We began hiking up the trail, but as we hiked we never ran out of a single thing to say to each other. Daniel made me laugh and I made Daniel laugh. Then I checked my phone for what felt like the first time since I've been in Oregon. I noticed Daniel tagged me in a picture this morning. 

It was one of us on the lake beach together with his arm wrapped around me as we both were beaming at each other. 

He captioned it: @Puppybeauty decided to visit me in Oregon! Had a fun time yesterday and we'll have an even better one today

I liked the picture and left a comment and then I looked at Daniel, "You're so sweet even on Instagram." 

"I know, I try," Daniel grinned as I put my phone away and we kept hiking up the trail.

Eventually, I began to get a little tired, so I held onto Daniel's shoulder as we kept hiking and eventually reached the very top where Daniel enjoyed scaring me by hanging his feet off the ledge.

The view was absolutely breath taking, the sky was a perfect blue that faded into white and we could see the Columbia River surrounded by trees and bushes. 

I noticed that Daniel wasn't enjoying the view as much as I did. I knew he loved hiking and I knew he thought the view was beautiful, but it felt as if something was wrong in his world. 

"Danny, whatcha lookin' at?" I asked. 

"N-n-nothing," He stuttered, "Just the clouds and the river and the trees. I'm just thinking about the song we recently dropped. These Girls." 

"You want them all? The ones that you bring home to mama? And the ones who love all the drama? You swear there's way too many, tryna fall for one, but you can't help it you just wanna love all?" I asked quoting his own song.

"You've listened to our music?" Daniel questioned.

"Literally the time, I never knew you five could be so great, but all of you are amazing singers," I answered and earned a large smile from Daniel, but he quickly stopped himself to pretend to look at the sunset, even though I knew he wasn't.

 He was always so self-conscious about how he looked, but I had no idea why. He was just as perfect as the rest of the boys, maybe a little more special (besides Jonah of course). 

"Well we are pretty good," Daniel smiled and wrapped his arm around me pulling me closer to him as we both looked at the view. 

"Of course, but what's on your mind right now? You seem... jumpy," I mentioned.

"J-j-jumpy? I'm not jumpy, you are," Daniel replied getting defensive. 

"Come on Danny, you can tell me anything. You know you've always been my favorite out of all the other boys," I stated, "I picked visiting you in Oregon over the other boys." 

"Yeah, there's nothing wrong. It's fine Emmy, you just keep looking at the beautiful view," Daniel insisted and I looked out onto the sparkling river, but my eyes shifted over to Daniel.

He was looking at me and quickly turned away from me avoiding my gaze. There was a strange tension that I haven't ever felt before with him, I always thought that I could just be myself around Daniel be comfortable. 

"How about we take a picture for Instagram?" I asked and Daniel just nodded his head as he rested his phone on a rock, put it on a ten-second mode for us to get ready and we took several pictures together before picking one out together and posting it. 

The picture we ended up picking was one of both of us looking out in the distance with Daniel's arm wrapped around me. The rest of the pictures we kept to ourselves. He posted it on Instagram and tagged me, but then he put his phone away and I kept mine in my pocket. 

"We're best friends right?" Daniel asked. 

"Yeah," I answered, "Best friends can tell each other everything." 

"Without judgment of the other best friend?"

"Without judgment, Danny boy." 

"You know how I haven't been able to focus on the view," Daniel mentioned.

"Yeah even though it's beautiful. I understand though you've been here before, you've seen it all already probably as you were a little boy," I told him with a smile.

"I've just been able to focus on how... b-beautiful you are. You're really something different... A-and you know how you said you owe me one. Can you just... umm can you just kiss me?" Daniel requested. 

I just looked at him and quickly made up my mind as I put my hand on his cheek and he put his on mine, I tilted my head and leaned closer, then I closed my eyes. I noticed Daniel close his eyes and then our lips collided together. 

It did feel different from when I kissed Zach and Jonah. Zach was the lust filled underage little boy, Jonah was with passion and strength, but Daniel. Daniel kissed me as if we were in a real romantic relationship as if we had just gotten married and he was able to kiss the bride, but I pulled away quickly. His kiss just read, 'I love you'. 

"Sorry, sorry I shouldn't have asked you to do that. I understand if you want to sleep in Anna's room tonight," Daniel quickly apologized taking his arm off of me. 

"No it's fine Daniel, I'm just... just confused," I apologized, "It felt too real... I'd still be happy to sleep in your room though. I just, I just don't want to get into something with Jonah if this happened between the two of us." 

I wasn't lying, Jonah was a great guy who didn't deserve to be in a relationship with a girl who had conflicted feelings for his best friend and her best friend meanwhile Zach just understood that we could never be anything, I felt like Daniel was in love. 

I knew the plane ride back home from the three day weekend with Daniel would be a little awkward, but I wasn't going to do anything with any guy until my feelings were all cleared up. I didn't want to be just a slut who gets with members in a band. I wanted real love.

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