02. sheer joy

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WARNINGS: none that i know of

Alarm clocks. Who needs 'em when you have an energetic four year old jumping on top of you the moment the sun decides to shine its rays through the windows?

Was it always enjoyable? Not particularly. But on this morning, it was welcomed, because along with that little girl's excitement came an equally as childish excitement of your own, with your eyes fluttering open as a smile reached your face.

He was coming home today.

"Mama, mama, mama!" The energetic voice of your daughter filled your ears as she jumped onto the queen sized bed, scrambling over to you. Her small hands pushed your hair out of your face as you watched her in amusement.

"Good morning baby girl," you hummed, reaching forward to pull her to you.

"Daddy's coming home today!" She said, a little too loudly.

"I know!" You responded. This wasn't a new thing, though. For the past few days, she'd been coming into your bedroom, announcing the same thing. You had to correct her every time, telling her the amount of days until he would be home.

But now you didn't have to say that, because today was the day. It had been over a month since you'd last seen your husband, and you'd been missing him terribly. With his job, his schedule was so unpredictable at times. He'd been away filming for months now, and you'd only been able to see him a few times in that period.

This time around, the last time you had seen him was a month ago. Now he was finally on his way home, and an eagerness had settled deep within your chest. You couldn't wait for your family to be whole again, to have the comfort, love and safety that he provided again.

And most importantly, you couldn't wait to give him the news that you'd been holding your tongue over for the past two months. You were having another baby. Really, it had been one of the hardest secrets you'd ever had to keep, because you were so used to telling him everything.

You remembered back to your first pregnancy, with your daughter Alivia. You'd been so excited that you couldn't hold in the secret any longer. But this time around, you'd been determined to keep it from him until the right time. It did help that he'd been away from home so much. You hadn't been as tempted to blurt it out.

Now the day was upon you, and your tummy was alive with butterflies. "Mama, get up!" Alivia pulled you from your thoughts, and you smiled softly at her.

"Who wants some breakfast?"

"ME!" She shouted, jumping off the bed and sprinting out of the room, quick as lightning. Shaking your head at your antics, you swung your legs over the side of the bed, stretching deeply before strolling out into the kitchen, where Alivia had already managed to make a mess by dragging some pots and pans out of the cupboard.

"And just what are you doing?" You questioned.

"Making breakfast."

You reached down, already putting away the items. "Let Mommy make breakfast. You go play. Do you want me to put cartoons on for you?"

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