{Chapter 10} 'Did you finally kick him out?'

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Bri's POV

I return to the dorm room, and see Beca gone. She was here when I left, but that was over two hours ago. I enter the room further, and see the note on my desk.


I'm going to see my dad. I'll be back in a few hours.


Well, that explains where she is. I wonder if I should text her about rehearsals, but Aubrey would literally kill me, so I decide against it. I pick out some new clothes quickly and change into them. I pull my hair into a ponytail, and hear my phone go off. It's text messages from both Bumper and Aubrey. I check Aubrey's first.


Make sure you're not late to Bella rehearsals. We're meeting in an hour and a half.


Okay. I'll see you then.

Next, I look at Bumper's message.


Meet me at the Treble house. I have something to tell you.


Couldn't you just tell me now?


No. I'm too lazy.

Of course he's too lazy. When isn't he? But, I do begin the trek to the Treble house. I arrive and I see Bumper walking to his car. "Bumper. What did you have to tell me?" I question. "Just ask the guys. I don't feel like talking anymore. I have to rest my vocal chords." He massages his neck. What the hell is he talking about? I get to door, and open it. As soon as I walk in, Jesse looks at me, followed by the rest of the Trebles, who are sitting in a hot tub, watching two girls... cleaning?

I choose to ignore it, then ask them, "Did you finally kick him out?" They roll their eyes. "No, he is singing back-up on John Mayer's new album." Donald roll his eyes again. "That's really funny." I walk down the few stairs to get on the same level as them. "But seriously, why is he leaving?" I inquire. "We already told you." Unicycle. "Seriously? Since when has he been good enough to do that?" I laugh, and the rest of the boys' chuckle.

"Well, I still have to go to Bella rehearsals, but I'll see you later?" I wonder. They all smile and nod. I begin to turn around, but remember what they were watching. After spinning back around, I speed-walk over to where the TV is, and turn it off. "I'm sorry, but that's just weird." I finally exit the house, and walk back to campus. Once I get there, I see almost everyone sitting, waiting for everyone to arrive.

Once everyone has, Aubrey starts us off. "Okay, the Aca-gods have looked down on us and they have given us a second chance." She begins to pass papers out. "Shalom!" Amy exclaims. "I texted Beca." Chloe states. "You did what?" Aubrey asked, shocked. "She makes us better." Chloe continues. "That's not an opinion for you to have, Chloe." Aubrey scolds. "Why, because it's not yours? You're not always right, you know." Chloe fires back. "We will win without her." Aubrey hands Chloe a paper.

We begin to practice, and it seems like everyone had basically given up any means of practice in the past two weeks. "Okay, stop! What is happening to us? Chloe, you sound like you smoke three packs a day. Stacie, you are so behind on choreography. And Jessica and Ashley, it is like you haven't been here all year long." Aubrey complains. "Aubrey, really?" Jessica looks like she's about to cry. "We've literally been here the whole time." Ashley argues. "Bri is the only one who's doing it right!" Aubrey sounds extremely frustrated.

"Aubrey, please just give us a break. It's kinda not the same without everyone here." Amy brings up a point. "We need Beca." Cynthia Rose tells her. "Maybe if Aubrey loosened the reigns a little bit-" Aubrey interrupts Chloe. "Okay, shut it, Chloe." Stacie lets out a 'Whoa.' and Aubrey looks at her. "Oh, I'm sorry, was that rude. Chloe, could you please get your head out of your ass, it's not a hat." Chloe gasps at Aubrey statement. "Aca-awkward." Amy mutters. "Again." Aubrey demands.

Chloe and Aubrey fight more now than earlier. "I have been there for you for so many years and all you do is treat me like shit!" Chloe yells. "Alright, alright! Okay, just shut up, everyone!" Amy gets everyone's attention. "I joined this group so I could hang out with a bunch of really cool chicks, and also because I was really sick of all my boyfriends and I need to get away from that. But, but this is some serious horse shit. What's that smell? It stinks everywhere! I don't want to be like the old Bellas'." Amy storms off.

"Yeah, I want to be how we are now." Cynthia Rose agrees. Lilly follows her with a "Me, too." "Should've listened to Beca." Chloe walks off. "Oh, so it's my fault?" Aubrey comes back. "That's not what I'm saying." Chloe defends. "No, no, no. That's what you're all thinking isn't it? That I'm the jerk. I'm the girl who's obsessed with winning." Aubrey begins to yell again. "Aubrey, you're too controlling and it's going to ruin all of us." Chloe slams her hands to her sides. "You know what, I can lose control if I want to. I can let go. This time I'm not gonna choke it down." Aubrey screams.

"Hm?" Cynthia Rose wonders. Aubrey begins to throw up, and most of the girls shriek and run away. "Come on, you can do better than that!" Chloe encourages her. I grimace, but don't run away. That stuff has never affected me. If it did, I would be running away from Bumper all the time. Aubrey finally stops, and Chloe stomps her feet. "We could have been champions!" She runs toward Aubrey. "Give me the pitch pipe you bitch!" Chloe and Amy fight Aubrey for the pitch pipe, knocking me down with them in the process. "Guys! Guys, stop! What is going on?" Beca's voice sounds through the practice room.

Well, shit.

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