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We are in korea now and well Joon was back to working. He was working on some new music lately so hes been in the studio a lot.
Knock knock

"Ill be there in a minute" i was so comfy on the couch with Jae watching t.v. I went to check who it was and saw it was Jay, Joon had messaged me Jay was gonna stop by to pick up a usb and a box of clothes from the 808 Shop . "Hey Jay,how you doing?" I say to him inviting him in. Jae heard me say Jay's name and came running to the door to see if it was one of his favorite samchons. "Samchon!" Jae says running into Jays arms."Hey Jae,how you doin' buddy?, and im doing well Mary thnx for asking, how about you and the baby?" He says while removing his shoes. "Well almost ready to pop" i giggle. "I can see tht"he laughs then adds "did Dok2 say were he put the usb and box?" I tell him he can go up to Joon's office/studio room to check of it was there i was to lazy to go up myself lol. He nodded and laughed while walking to the room.
I went to grab him a cup of water, since he did ask politely for some. He had told me he came running over here since he was doing his exercise routine.

I started to feel a little weird, they felt like contractions but it was still early. I remember the way it was from wen i was pregnant with Jae. I got myself a glass of water as well. Jay was coming to the kitchen for his water"thankx Mary, are you feeling okay? You dont look so well"he asks."Yea im okay just feels like im having contractions but they can be false"i say. The pain was getting a little more painful and Jay was looking like he was gonna panic any second now. "Want me to take you to the hospital?" He asks nervously."i think I'll be fine Jay" i say. He just drinks his water while still keeping a close eye on me. Then i decided ill just walk around for awhile to see if the pain would subside, but it didn't,i felt liquid come down my leg "JAY!" I yelled out. In a quick second Jay and my son both ran towards me."Whats wrong are you okay? Hospital?" Jay kept asking questions and i just told him to get my red bag tht was in the master bedroom,it was the baby bag i had prepared. I got Jae's backpack ready with toys and snacks. I knew i wasn't gonna pop right away so i just did everything fast. "Mary! I got the bag ,hospital right?" I told him yes he was so nervouse and pasing around the room and just looked at me and then asked"how can you be calm?" ," it is my second child Jay,well be fine just get Jae his shoes on please and lets go to the hospital please" i say. Jay does as i ask him and we start going to the car. He gets Jae's carseat inside his car and buckles him in. "Ready,lets go" he says. He seemed panicked tbh and i just kept laughing to myself and he asked if i was okay but just ignored him.

We arrived at the hospital and Jay had ran inside with Jae in one hand and the bags in his other while screaming "help she's gonna have a baby help!" I felt so embarrassed not gonna lie, then he walked to the front desk and said the same thing. I just covered my face a little and laughed at his reaction, so funny. The nurse asked me if my water broke and i had told her it did and she got me onto a weelchair. Jay and Jae followed behind me.

I was on a bed and they had put IV on me and checked how far i was dilated. I was alone in the room until they were done checking but i was only 6 cm dilated. Jay came back in with my son with him and told me he had called Joon while he was waiting to get permission to come in. "He's freaking out btw"Jay says with a chuckle. "Hopefully he gets here safely"i say. He asked me how far i was and if the baby was ok. And i had told him everything was fine and tht i still had a few cm to go. "Can you do me a favor Jay?" I ask."yea anything ,shoot" he says. "Can you babysit Jae till Joon can get him from your place, i kbow your busy and all but your here right now thts why im asking if not ill ask Don-gab" i was feeling  contractions while i asked him."Yea ill take Jay with me, well leave once Dok2 comes tht way you wont be alone okay,and its no problemo, your in labor for peeps sakes its the least i can do for my little sister and nephew on the way."he says. Hes always calling me his little sister,and ive always seen him as an older brother as well."thnx Jay oppa"i say and he just turns his head fast at me"WOW! you called me oppa? Wats this miracle happening" he chuckles in surprise and adds "thank you im glad you see me as an official brother now".  I told him that ive always seen him as an older brother after we knew each other well. "Your like a real brother to me,i dnt have siblings so i really appreciate everything you've done for me to this day" i say. He gives me a slight hug and then Joon walks in busting into the door like a crazy man"Babe are you okay? is the baby okay? Is jae ok?" he asks while checking me."Bro there fine Mary's water broke so i called you to come,you need to be here when you son comes out"Jay says while patting Joon's shoulder. "Thank god, Thank you so much Jay, love you Jae" he picks up Jae and hugs him and sits him on his knees,next to my bed. "Well Mary,Joon ill take Jae from here call me when its over, i want to meet my nephew and Jae wants to see his brother,right Jae?" He asks Jae on Joons lap. "Yes!" Jae says. "Bye baby boy and thank you Jay"i give Jae a hug and a kiss before he leaves. "Dont faint bro"Jay says before closing the door. "I wont faint babe i promise" Joon says while holding my hand. The doctor comes back inside to check how far i was now and asked if it was okay if Joon can stay and i told her he was my husband and hes fine to be here thru all of it.

"Okay im gonna get the doctor thts gonna deliver the baby in, you look ready to start pushing any second now okay"she says while walking out. "You can do this baby girl, ill be here i wont leave okay"Joon says. And i nod my head saying okay. The doctors come in and they get everything ready for me to deliver.

It was a fast delivery tht the doctors were hapoy about lol. Our son was born healthy , he was a 2 weeks early and he weighed only 6 pounds so they out him in an incubator at the nicu and kept him checked to see if everything was 100% fine with him to be in he room with me. I was asleep now and Joon had left to be near our son the whole time,i had told him to go since i felt really sleepy and doctors told me to rest so i can feed my son once he was checked. I had knocked out fast lol.

"Baby wake up, our son is dine,he's coming right now so you can feed him,wake up baby" Joon says while waking me up."Is he really okay babe?"i ask him and he reassured me tht the baby was really healthy just a bit small since he was early but tht he had no complications and is ready to eat. They brought him in and he was just so cute, i gave him a kiss and started to feed him. He was really hungry and Joon just kept giving me kisses and telling me he loves me. "My parents are on there way baby girl, i told Jay to come tomorrow morning with Jae since you'll be hear for 2 more days with the baby" Joon says and i nod my head."what are we gonna name him babe?"i ask Joon. He looked at me and said tht well get help from his parents to choose a perfect name.  We hear a knock on the door and in came Joons mom,dad,and older brother.OMO! Mary honey how are you feeling?,he is so adorable isn't he Yeobo?" My mother in law says,i told her i was fine but felt a tiny bit tired. "Congrats Mary and Joon,you guys will be great parents i know it"Joons older brother Gordo states and gives Joon a hug. Joon's mom carrys her grandson and sits down on the chair next to the bed."He looks just like his appa,Joon he has all your features my son" she says and takes out her cellphone to show us a picture of Joon when he was a newborn ,it wasnt clear since she took the picture from the one she has in her baby book of Joon and his brother. They looked so much alike i was amazed lol.Joon was so happy and so was i, i have 2 sons and a great husband. They stayed awhile and then they left. I was getting tired and they took the baby back to the nursery.

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