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It's been days me and dok2 talk and text from time to time. I found a job close to his office. I found it when i was going to my way home after i went to see his studio/office last week. So far work is well, except that i dont work much hours,but its a job. Dok2 knows i work here in the shoe store. I love shoes, like really love them. lol. So this job was on my bucketlist. I get a discount and sometimes 1st hand on newly stocked shoes. Today is my 3rd day at work and dok2 told me that he might drop by since the new jordan 12s are gonna drop next week but since hes 'dok2 the rapper' he got himself some before they drop worldwide . Lucky ㅋㅋㅋ.

My shift has started st 1pm and its 1:47pm... so far only 2 ppl have come in since my shift started. Bored asf lol. A customer came in and he kind of looked familiar...hmmmmm.......oh i remember its that rude guy that i accidentally bumped into like 2 weeks ago...aish jerk....
Me: hello welcome to xxxx is there anything i can help you with today.😊 (jerk wat do u want 😈 lol)
Jerk: yea do you have these in size 9 1/2?
Me: let me go check.one moment plz.
Wow he has a good taste in shoes but his attitude is bad...well was bad he probably doesn't remember me lol...

Me:here you go sir. Would you like to try them on?


Me:do they fit well sir?

Jerk: yea, ill take them and also this sweater.

Me:they will charge you in the register. Thank you.


Jerk hasn't left. Hes still looking for clothing. Hmm i wonder when Joon(dok2) is coming. Cant wait to see him in person its been awhile since hes been busy and i just started work and all.

Next thing i know Joon comes in the door and i start to smile like a weirdo lol. I have to properly greet him tho.

Me: hello sir welcome too xxxx is there anything i can help you with today?

Dok2: ㅋㅋㅋㅋhello mary😊 how have you been?

Me: 😊i am doing well how r u doing?

Dok2: good...but busy as always...i came for my order if you don't mind?

Me: well i work here so its an honor to help you sir.

Dok2:sir? ㅋㅋㅋno need for that with me. Its under dok2.

Me:ok one moment plz.

Found his shoes. Wow they look really good. Wish i owned some. Weird he ordered 2 pairs of shoes. Hmm maybe he really likes them.

Me:here you go 2 pairs. That'll be $xxxx.xx plz.

Dok: here.

Me: heres your receipt and bag. Thank you for coming. Hope too see you again.

Dok2: you willㅋㅋㅋ. And can i get another bag plz.i need to separate them.

Me:yea here need help?

Dok2:naa i got this ma'.

Ma' wat the heck is that lol it sounded cute tho. I like it .
Dok2: here take this bag home with you ok plz take care of them for me plz.. (whispers) ill text you later so we can meet up ok.

Me: ok have a nice day sir.ㅋㅋㅋ

Dok2:ㅋㅋㅋ you too ma'.

Well that went awkward lol. My shift was over after 4 hours ,unfortunately. Not much but its better than nothing. So joon said hell call me so i should probably shower and change out of my uniform.

-phone rings-

Me: hello?
Dok2:hey u home?
Dok2:ok open the door then cuz its kinda cold out ma'.

What is he on about?

Dok2:hey. Sorry to drop by but i thought maybd we should kick it today. Im off.
Me:oh cool yea sounds great to me..oh hold on let me get you your bag 1st.
Uhh where did i put it... found it! Gosh im tired lol they were just under my bed.

Me:here. I took care of them like u said too lol
Dok2: oh those arent mine.
Me:what?but u said to...huh? Let me see.
Me:there yours you weirdo they say dok2 on the back you see. Special order so i cant get it wrong.
Dok2:those are yours weirdo ㅋㅋㅋi bought them for you. I hope you like them tho there the same as mine just that mine say 'shorty' since thats wat i put you down as in my contacts ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 😅.
Me:what Joon you didn't have to buy me anything or do that...yea there cute but. ..ill pay you back i promise every penny...just not all at once ok... but dont buy me anything plz.just being friends is great for me.
Dok2:cant make promises on that one shorty.

When we arrived to the mall joon was saying how he likes this girl he met not to long ago and well im not gonna lie it got me a bit jealous and all but i just dont want dok2 to be more than just a friend to me...i wish him the best tho.......since well i have a huge secret not many ppl know here in korea that i talk too. I want to tell him at times but i feel he'll under estimate me since im just 21 and all. But i know someday ill be able to let it out.

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