my new home

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After lunch dok2 had offered me a ride to my new house and of course i said yes.ㅋㅋ I can't believe i got a new friend in just in the matter of hours of being in a complete new environment.^^ When i walked into my new home i knew i had to go shopping right away since i had no food the apartment i rented out was already furnished(thank godㅋㅋ) so i didn't have to worry much about it unless i wanted too change somethings. I ended going to a big market around my neighborhood and by surprise they had everything i needed. I bought sheets and new blankets and things to decorate my room a bit. I really love art so i was going thru the art section where they had canvases and painting. I didn't find something i liked so i just payed for i got and left. Once i got home i took my shoes off and went to put all the food and toiletries away. I headed to my room and showered then got changed to head out once again. once i was all ready i went out to look around some more before i get too busy with work and even studying. While i was walking my phone had started vibrating indicating that i had a message. When i open my messages i was shocked that dok2 had texted me i thought he was never gonna contact me ever again lol.(btw i use line to txt ㅋㅋ)

Joon: hey wat u up too?
Me: nothing just roaming around and having an adventure ㅋㅋㅋ.
Joon: and adventure? Oh ur looking around Seoul^^
Me: yup its so beautiful at night u were right.
Joon: im mostly never wrongㅋㅋ
Me: lol
Joon: so r u busy? Like busy busy? Cuz i was wondering if maybe .....u would like to ....have dinner with me? I know it might sound weird since we barely met today but ur interesting...dnt think im a stocker or creep plz...i would just like u know get to know u and maybe even show u around sometime. So wat u say?
Me: sounds good too me^^ where would u like to meet up?
Joon: really? Well im honoured to have u be my guest for dinner ㅋㅋ well where r u ?maybe i can pick u up .im in Seoul right now and im off work already?
Me: im in front of a cafe in Garosu-Gil.
Joon: which one? There's a holl bunch there lol
Me: oh sorry. At Line Friends Store & Cafe.
Joon: ok cool ill be there in a bit u should check it out inside and maybe buy something to drink i heard its really good thereㅋㅋ
Me: u heard or u know?lol
Joon: i've been there plenty of times since i work close to there sometimes my hyung likes to go there alot when i say a lot i mean a lot ㅋㅋㅋ
Me: lol ok then u want anything to eat or drink?
Joon: yeah sure why not. May u plz get me an americano ill pay u when i get there. And thank u.
Me: no problem its on me. See u soon.^^
End of text messages.

Wow my heart felt like it skipped a beat i cant believe im texting with dok2. He soon showed up and we headed out to eat
We ended up going to a regular restaurant even tho he offered we go somewhere a little bit fancy but i insisted we go to a ordinary place. We came to this place in Itaewon-dong, Yongsan-gu. When i saw the sign i was kind of suprised because it was a mexican restaurant named:Vatos Urban Tacos (바토스). I remembered i had told him i was mexican but i never knew they had these kind of restaurants here lol.

We chatted for wat seemed like hours and we ended up getting to know one another a little bit more. I've heard from some ppl that dok2 was a bad guy kind of person but deep down i always knew he wasn't, they where just rumors that went out. Now that i know him better he is a kind and fun guy to be honest. Every time he smiled i smiled because it was just so cute when he did. I felt that i couldn't keep my eyes off him but i knew in my heart he wasn't just famouse rapper/hip-hop artist Dok2 but he was Lee Joon-kyung a normal person just like anyone else out there. I wished he wasn't famous at times but thats selfish of me. He's happy doing wat he does and i understand him and happy for him ever since i knew him from his music. Now, it's different i feel like I've known him for so long and meeting him again after yrs i dnt see him as dok2 but as Joon-kyung now ever since i first met him face to face^^

Our dinner date ended or was it just a regular dinner? Well who knows but i had a great time. He was taking me home and had picked up some ice cream before arriving.
Me: thanks Joon for tonight i had a great time.
Dok2: no problem i had a great time too thanks too u^^ i got to know u more and feel like we've know each other for awhile hahah.
Me: yeah i get wat ur saying i feel the same lol
Dok2: well i hope we do this sometime again.
Me: me too
Dok2: well have a great night and ...sweet dreams. Get inside safely.
Me: thanks again Joon. Have a goodnight sleep and get home safe.
I didn't expect anything since we barely met but he ended up giving me a hug before he left. I could smell his cologne and it smelled so good. When i got inside i was able too still smell it cuz it stayed in my clothes which i liked ㅋㅋㅋ. I went to sleep as soon as i washed up and texted him Thank You again and went into deep sleep.

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