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(Thnx to jinji101 for the idea of using smtm6 )

Few weeks later
    Joon and I haven't talked much lately since he's been busy with smtm6 and also doing his work on the side. After his confession, we talked about giving ourselves time to think about it to make sure its wat we really want and he also wanted me to think and know tht if we do start dating tht he's gonna be busy a lot and might not always be there with me all the time cuz music is his life and no lie i understand tht well and im happy tht hes doing wat he loves more.

My phone was ringing and its 5am. Im to lazy to open my eyes tho and get up to get it. I ended up getting up since it has been ringing for awhile now.

Joon:hey ma' did i wake u? Cuz if i did im sorry. Just wanted to tell u tht i may not be able to answer or txt u all day today im at smtm6 shoot right now recording and it'll be till late night and then i have to record a track with Hash.
Me: aww its ok Joon u go do u ok. Im off today so im just gonna go out and get some air.
Joon:go out alone?
Me:yea why not?
Joon: just be careful ok. If u get lost or need anything just txt me ill try my best to respond ok. If not call Don-gab hyung, he can also help u.
Me:ok roger tht^^.
Joon:hold on a bit ok im gonna ask the producer something real quick.dont hang up.
I set my phone down on the bathroom counter with the speaker on cuz i wanted to brush my teeth since i know i wont go back to bed. I can here him asking theproducer something but my korean wasn't so good so i barely knew wat they were talking about.
Joon:Hello mary?
Joon:oh good thought u hung up or something haha.
Mary:lol nope.
Joon:so umm if u dnt mind can u come by close to the shoot? There is this place we can have lunch at if u dnt mind?
Mary:yea np just send me the address plz .
Joon:ok ill send it to u in a bit ok. Plus i talked to the producer and asked if its ok if u come to the shoot. He said its fine as long as there is no problem or anything and well i hope u can be here cuz tht will make my day ma'.
Mary:aww Joon of course ill be there o support team aomg and 1lly. Thnx for inviting me. Its like a dream come true 1000× lol.
Joon:alright then ma' ill let u sleep now sorry about waking u and ill see u soon gotta go back to the shoot.
Mary:ok take care Joon

We had a pretty long conversation and its a huge honor tht they will lwt me be at the shoot later today. I feel so blessed. I started going thru my closet to see wat i should wear.

 I started going thru my closet to see wat i should wear

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(Wore this outfit)⬆

By the time i took a shower ate a bit of breakfast. Which was literally just a banana and a glass of orange juice. I had found the outfit i was gonna wear and Joon had sent me the address to the where they werw shooting smtm6. I got my bag,phone, and keys and headed to take the train. I didnt live close by so i had to take a train there and it was literally my 1st time riding 1 and was kind of nervous lol. Good thing everything went well and i got off at the exact stop i was supposed to thanks to an ahjussi tht i kindly asked for help and he was kind enough to help me out as well.

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