Chapter 25- Lies

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I'd like to give a shout out to Jarley0913, thank you for your support! xx

Luna's POV

~1 week later~

I had been staring at black for what felt like years when in reality it had only been a few days... Give or take. I've tried moving but it was impossible. I could hear everyone around me like I could hear Louis and Eve teasing one another, Rebecca and Zayn whispering and the sounds of machines.

I tried once again to move, all I wanted was to move something, anything. I tried to move my feet but that didn't work, I tried move my head but still nothing. Finally, i tried to move my hands, my hands and arms began to feel fuzzy, like I had a serious case of pins and needles.

"Wait, did she move?" I heard Zayn say, surprise clear in his tone.

"I thought I saw that too." Rebecca whispered.

"Eve, go get Harry." Louis ordered. 

I heard a series of quick footsteps moments later and a heavy hand landed on my shoulder. 

"Lu?" Harry's deep voice was like music to my ears.

"C'mon Lu, open your eyes." Rebecca encouraged. I tried to force my eyes open but all they did was twitch. 

After a few failed attempts my eyes finally snapped open. Bright light immediately hit my eyes making them close again.

"Fuck, turn off the lights, I wanna be a vampire." I grumble. I heard Harry chuckle and the lights were switched off.

"Much better."

"How're you feeling Lu?" Louis asked.

"Pretty good apart from the fact that I feel like I've been hit by a car." Harry's relaxed posture stiffens and I look at him with confusion.

"Was it something I said?" I frown.

"Do you remember anything Lu?" Harry asks quietly, guilt written all over his face.

In my mind, I could see myself in Vegas, running down an alley way and a pretty girl with blonde hair.

"Uh, I remember Vegas and this blonde girl?" My answer comes out as more of a question rather than an answer.

Everyone exchanges looks. Am I missing something?

"What happened?"

Niall opened his mouth to answer me but Rebecca stopped him by slapping her hand over his mouth.

"You were in a car accident, a drunk driver hit your car," Rebecca said solemnly. "You were hurt pretty bad and you went into a self induced coma."

"Oh." Well that was a stupid answer.

"You've only been out for a few days. We also brought you back to London." Eve filled in a couple blanks.

"But it's Doctors' orders that you're on bed rest for at least two weeks." Harry said.

"Why? I feel totally fin-" I tried to sit up to prove my point but immediately froze when pain shot through my thigh and head.

"That's why." Louis answered like the sassy prick he is.

"Thank you." I replied sarcastically. 

He smirks. "Any time."

"OK, I think you need some rest. Rebecca, can I speak to you for a second?" Harry says lowly. I raise my eyebrow but wince. I slowly raise my hand and trace my fingers of my forehead. I feel a long, jagged cut that runs along my hairline. Goody, I must look so pretty right about now. Wow, that sounded vain!

Everyone exited the room, leaving me alone to sleep on the chaise lounge.

Harry's POV

I gently closed the door to the living room and turned to face Rebecca who was staring up at me with her arms crossed. 

"Why'd you lie to her?"

"Because, she wouldn't forgive you if she knew you were the reason for the crash." Her voice monotone.

"Don't use that tone with me Rebecca." I say darkly. Her reply was a simple scoff. Smart-ass.

"You don't scare me Harry so drop the tough guy act. Look, we'll tell her in time but for now, she needs to focus on resting and getting better."

I mutely nod and walk up to my room. As much as I don't want to lie to her, it seems to be the right thing to do for now. And I don't want her to hate me anymore. I realise that killing her aunt was a real dick move but to be honest, I wasn't expecting her to care so deeply about it. I thought she hated her aunt and thought she was a monster. Obviously not.

I walked over to my wardrobe and opened the doors. The insides of the doors were plastered with papers and plans. The party was going to happen in three weeks because by then, it would be the end of term and we would actually have a good excuse . Not that any of us really went to University anymore. I'm pretty sure those of us who gave a shit about future job opportunities like Eve and Zayn, did it over the internet. We had started inviting random people from university to make it look more legit. We'd make sure to inform the guests that they could invite anyone. I knew that the news of the party would get to Katie and Liam lightning quick and if I know Katie as well as I think I do then she would come to the party, just for shits and giggles. I was in the Payne blood to piss me off and I knew they wouldn't miss an opportunity.

We had it all planned out, from who we were going to invite to where I was going to approach Liam. Chatty students were the easiest way of spreading the news of the party and the small tree-filled park a few metres behind the frat house. I hadn't realised until only recently that Liam's group of 'friends' was growing rapidly. More and more people were getting involved with him. I guess his threat was serious because he was going to need more than himself to take me down. I wasn't going to rest until my hands were covered in his blood and he was laying broken and not breathing at my feet. And if I should fall, at least I would know that my crew would have my back.

Luna's POV

I was woken up by the clattering of dishes and quiet chatter. 

"Here, go take her, her dinner." Harry ordered. With a loud huff, Rebecca entered the room.

"Oh, you're awake." She smiled.

She handed me a bowl of pasta which I wolfed down, quite ungraceously I might add.

When I was finished, Rebecca took my bowl from me and headed for the doors.

"Hey Becca?" She stopped and turned around.


"What did Niall really want to say?"

Her body completely froze and she started to stutter. "I- Um- He..." She swallowed audibly, composing herself.

"He would have told you the right information. He didn't know the full story so I decided to tell it, to save us all the hassle and confusion."

"Oh." She was lying, it was so clear but I didn't feel like arguing. Not yet at least.

"I'll let you rest some more." She said and hastily left the room.


I'm doing a double update! I know that this chapter is really short but I'm hoping the next chapter will make up for it :3





Love you all

xoxo Honey boo boo

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