Chapter 9- Past

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Chapter 9- Past

Song for the chappy: The things we lost in the fire- Bastille

Holiday time!!!

Enjoy guys! xoxo

Harry's POV

I slowly made my way down the stairs, with Zayn leading the way.

He slowly opened the door to the living room and ducked inside. I followed only to see him talking to Dr Tillie. She helped us with all our wounds and stuff from when we were involved when we had gang fights.

Luna was lying motionless on the couch, large bandages all over her. She also had an IV in her arm, i'm guessing for pain relief. I make a move to walk towards her but Dr Tillie stands in front of me.

"Wait" She held her hand up and I freeze.

"Look, we need you're help. Luna lost a lot of blood and she needs a transfusion. That's would be fine if any of the guys had the same blood type as her but none of them do... But you" She said.

"What?" She had lost that much blood?!

"You and her are both B+. Come on Harry, if she doesn't get it then she dies. From what I've heard, you're the reason she's in this position. Now, yank your head out of your ass and help the poor girl!" She yelled. 

She was a no bullshit kind-of-girl who could stand up to anyone, no matter how scary they were. She's twenty-four years old, blond, tall, grey eyes and skinny. I would date her if she wasn't married to a cop and one of my friends. I always had a thing for older girls.

"Do it" I say.

"Pardon?" She spins around.

"Do it, I'll do anything to make her forgive me" I look down at my shoes.

"Alright, come here" She leads me over to a seat at the dining table and motions for me to sit. She leaves the room and comes back with some needles, tubes and bloodbags.

She inserts it into a vein in my arm. Blood immediatly flows out of my vein and into the bag. The more that leaves my body, the dizzier I get. 

"All done Harry" She gently pats my shoulder and I open my eyes a bit wider to see her packing everything up. She then helped me up, knowing I was quite weak.

She rushed into the living room with me slowly shuffling along behind her.

She frantically hooks up the blood bag. 

Louis grabbed my arm and pushed me down onto the couch. Everything started to sway and warp, my breathing and heart sped up.

"Uh Doc?" I heard Louis said nervously.


"I don't think Harry's eyes are meant to be rolling back"

"Shit! Go get me something sweet! Anything!"

I heard rapid foot falls then a cold glass pressed to my lips. I drank down the contents of the glass. From what I could taste, it was orange juice.

"I forgot to give him anything, his blood sugar got too low"

"Yeah, well next time, remember" Louis snapped.

A few minutes later, my vision cleared up enough to see what was happening around me. The blood was flowing from bag and into her vein. 

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