Chapter 18- Valentines day

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Chapter 18

Harry's POV

I walked into the house and gently shut the door behind me. It was pitch black when I walked inside. I let out a sigh of relief. I really didn't feel like being questioned right now. I stumbled slightly and chuckled to myself. I really shouldn't have had that whiskey. Thank god Jake brought me home or I would most likely be wrapped around a tree right now.

A near by lamp flicks on just like it does in bad soap dramas. I cringe when I see the angry look on Luna's face. I took her in. She was wearing a black nightie that reached her mid thigh. Her near black hair was done in a side ponytail and she had fluffy black slippers on her feet.

"Where were you?"

"Um..." I stalled.

"Don't you even think about lying to me Harry." Her lips pressed together in a thin line.

"You've been drinking." She stated.

"Yeah, I've had a few."

"You're stumbling." She pointed out.


She got up from the arm chair and walked over to me.

"Tell me where the fuck you were Harry." She was beginning to lose her temper.

"I was helping out with the gang." I say vaguely.

"Tell. Me. Where. You. Were." She said through gritted teeth.

"Fine, I was talking to Liam OK? I was interrogating him."

"Why was it so hard to say that? There's something else, what is it?"

"I um..." I attempt to stall again.

"Answer me!"

"I let them go!" I yelled back.


"Liam was getting on my nerves, making threats, saying he was going to take me down, so I let him go and told him to bring it on." I hung my head.

A pale hand came in contact with my face. It had so much force that my face flew to the side. I stretched my jaw and blinked rapidly.

"You idiot!" She screeched.

"What the fuck is going on down here?!" Eve said angrily. Her purple hair was up in a bun on the top of her head and she had a red silk robe wrapped around her.

"Tell her Harry, tell her the dimwitted mistake you made." Luna was so pissed she was shaking.

"I let Liam go." I muttered.

"Good lord." She muttered and walked back upstairs.

"So what now? Am I going to have to watch my back constantly?" She waved her arms dramatically.

"He won't hurt you. When he took you, it was to get both Dana and me. He wanted his money but he wanted me dead. He knew I was going to come for you and he used that to his advantage. What he didn't take into account was the fact that I would bring my gang with me. He was too outnumbered to do anything."

"But what's going to happen now? He could be anywhere." Luna looked at me worriedly.

I gently pulled her into my side and kissed the top of her hair. "It'll be fine Lu, I have a plan."

She looked up at me, Her vibrant blue eyes twinkling in the dim lamp light. "Yeah? And what's that?

"We're all over the world Lu, my gang is everywhere. What we need is a cover, like a celebration. Then, we tell people, making it seem as if it's secret. Liam's favourite trick is to do his wars in public places, cause destruction and hurt innocents. Except, the mojority of the guests will be gang members, the ones her doesn't know about. He won't stand a chance."

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