Chapter 6- I trusted you

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Chapter 6- I trusted you

1 week later...

I clutched my book to my chest as I walked down the pavement. The whole campus was empty. My mind was on the new guy. His name was Jace and we had become pretty close in the last week. He was so sweet and caring but still had a hint of bad to him. He was what I needed to cheer me up. His smile and laugh was so contagious. He never failed to put me in a good mood. 

I wish he was with me right now but he had to go to work. I had been avoiding Liam for weeks now. I made sure I was one of the last ones to get to class and one of the first one to leave so I would have to talk to him. I sat closest to the door so I could bolt at anytime.

I looked over to the courtyard where a bonfire was being held to celebrate the college's local football team. I watched as everyone danced, they looked so happy. After a few minutes, I heard screaming. Curiousity and fear struck me as I walked closer to the bonfire.

I wandered through the crowd and to the front where everyone was crowded around something.

"Dude, Luna is not yours ok?" I heard a smug voice.

My eyes widened when I saw Jace and Liam. Their chests were nearly touching and their eyes had darkened in anger. Jace looked calm but Liam looked livid.

"She's mine, stop getting close to her! She doesn't belong to you!" Liam yelled, grabbing Jace's shirt, fisting it in his hands.

"Ha ha someone's a little jealous" Jace said in a sing-song voice.

That's when Liam snapped. His fist connected with jace's sculpted face. That's when Jace lost the calm act and hit him back. Their punches were fly everywhere. They were going for every opening they could find.

Shit, I had to step in.

"Liam! Jace!" I yelled in an angry voice. The both froze and looked at me. I stalked up to Liam and punched him in the jaw.

"Leave!" I yelled. He just shook his head a stood his ground. I spun around and looked at Jace.

"You leave then!" His eyes widen and he took a small step back.

"Look Luna-" 

"Fuck off!" I screamed.

He looked down before walking away. I turned around to look at Liam again.

"Ugh leave me alone" I shoved him away. I force everyone out of the way and start to walk away from everyone.

Under the trees, in the shadows, I could see some people sitting around the base of the trunk. I squint, trying to see who it is. My eyes widen when I see Harry, Zayn, Louis  and Niall passing a bong one another. No one seems fazed by them doing this, it's almost as if it occurs regulary.

I can't help myself, I strut over to them.

"What are you guys doing?"

They all look up but Harry. He's too busy  flicking a lighter, trying to heat the water inside.

"L-luna" Zayn chokes out. He obviously didn't expect me to be here. Well, neither did I.

"Care to explain?" I fold my arms over my chest.

"Um we were just... We were just..." Niall stuttered.

"We were getting high Luna, if it wasn't obvious enough. Now can you go? You're ruining my buzz" Harry spits. His bloodshot eyes look at me with hatred.

"Ugh fine. Fuck off" I yell. before running off. I elbow my way through the mass of people grinding on one another. 

"Wait Lu!" A voice shouted but I kept going. Picking up my pace a little. 

I felt fingers brush my wrist but I yanked it away from their cloying grasp.

I could hear their disorientated footsteps behind me but they wouldn't give up. The adrenaline started to fade and my pursuer noticed. I was yanked to a stop and pulled into a hard chest.

"I told you to wait Luna!" Harry growled. His heavy breaths smelt of weed and whiskey. He was angry, high and drunk.

"You need to be punished for running! So you know not to do it again!" He yelled. And before I could even register his fist collided with my stomach. I screamed from shock and because it still wasn't fully healed from my last beating by that random.

His fist then hit my shoulder, the force sent me down to the ground. 

"Have you learnt your lesson yet?" He husky voice sneered.

I tryed to nod but my shoulder hurt too much.

His foot hit my shin and I winced.

"ANSWER ME!" He roared.

"Y-y-es" I stuttered out in broken sobs.

"Good, but it's not over yet" His cold tone made me shiver with fear.

He fell to the ground beside me and started to play with buttons of my blouse.

"Please stop" I whimpered.

"Shut up" He snaps. His hand drifts down to the button of my jeans. I try to squirm away. Harry's slaps across my face

"HARRY! What the hell man!" I hear a familiar accent and then Harry's weight thrown off me.

"You idiot! She was just beginning to trust you!" Niall yelled.

Harry was silent as Niall helped my up. I look one step before my body dipped because of my injured shin. Niall sighed before scooping me up. I slightly shyed away from him because he reeked of weed.

"Sorry babe" He must have notice my distaste.

"Hurry up Harry! You're going to see Eve" Zayn spat.

"No! Come on, she'll kill me!" Harry whined.

"Good!" Zayn yelled.

It was a short walk to the apartment building. Niall walk to the elevator and pressed my floor number. Niall knocked on the door and it swung open to reveal a slightly panicked Eve.

"Oh thank god, wait what happened?!" She shrieked.

"Ask that asshole, I'm going to fix up Luna" Niall fumed before gently placing me on the couch. He stroked my hair as we both listen to what they were saying.

"What did you do?!" I hear a door slam and chair legs scrap against the polished wooden floor.

"Sit" Eve demanded.

"Now, I will ask one more time before I snap. What. Did. You. Do" 

"I erm..." He trailed off.

I hear something smash. "ANSWER ME!"  Deja vu...

"I hit her ok!" He shouted.

I heard a loud slap. "Why!" She demanded.

"Because she disobeyed me! No one disobeyes me!" 

I heard a crack then a thud.

"You piece of shit. Stay away from Lu"

I heard a heavy sigh. "Get him out, I- I can't stand to see him" Eve's voice shook.

"There's something else" Zayn suddenly said.


"He tryed to force himself on her a little" He muttered.

Eve didn't answer Zayn, instead she walked into the lounge and layed down next to me.

"It's alright bub" She said soothingly as I started to cry.

"It wasn't Harry" She whispers.

"It wasn't Harry"


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