Chapter 16

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"God. I miss Alberto's. I haven't eaten Alberto's since I arrived here. Didn't even know there was one here" Danny said after eating slice after another slice of pizza.

"Really? Why? Oh. Yeah, they're renovating so they only take orders by call. Don't worry they're almost done, I think it's been 2 months since they started. Where were you from anyway?" I asked Danny.

"East Wood. Where's their outlet though? I haven't even seen any construction here" he replied with his mouth full.

"Inner part of Downtown. Why'd you transfer here? I hear East Wood's progressing so much that it's like a little Ceattle there" I asked curious.

"My aunt got married and had to leave my gramps alone so I volunteered to stay here with him since he's old and I wanted a change of scenery" he replied trying to sound casual. I see. Hmm...I'm sensing more of a story here...should I ask or is that rude?

I was about to say something when Andreas plopped down beside me and excitedly exclaimed "I come bearing good news"

"I'm sure" I said dismissively and was about to continue my chat with Danny.

"Yes! And since you oh so kindly asked... I found your secret stash of alcohol in the kitchen. The bottom, really? How'd your parents not even find it? It's so obvious" he said accusing me.

"That's not mine. I don't drink and I know what you're thinking and the answer is no. We can't have them" I told him crossing my arms.

"Why not?" Danny interjected.

"Uh... because they're not ours? Not to mention they're probably Gemma's or my parent's" I told him downing my water.

"Please Darling? Just a bottle or two? They wouldn't even know we had some" Andreas said pouting. Aw... so cute. But still "No" I said.

"Come on Zeke. Let's just have some. I bet they're a lot" Danny said getting up.

"No. How'd you even find it anyway?" I asked Andreas.

"I was just looking for Peanut butter" he said shrugging.

"Why were you looking for peanut butter when we have pizza? Nevermind We don't have PB here, my dad's allergic to nuts" I said walking over to the kitchen as well since Danny was making a ruckus back there.

"Hey. What are you doing there?"

"Mixing drinks. My cousin's friend worked as a bartender once and he taught me how to mix one before"

"Cool. But I didn't say we could have some" I deadpanned not really opposed to drinking since it's just vodka and nothing strong. Contrary to no one's belief, I have a high tolerance for alcohol or so I think because my dad does and I witnessed firsthand on how high it was. He and his colleague were once drinking case after case of beer after downing a few bottles of whisky, gin and what seemed like vodka. It was after my dad was promoted to VP, they were apparently celebrating by drinking themselves into oblivion. Adults, I really don't understand them.

"Whatcha making?" Andreas popped in.

"Mixed drinks. Why don't you get some cards or something while I prepare the drinks" Danny said to Andreas.

"Sure. Come on Zeke. Let's go get some cards" Andreas said pulling me out of the kitchen.

"I don't have any" I told him while we were climbing the stairs to my room.

"You do. We played go fish once when you were grounded remember?" he retorted dragging me up the stairs.

"DRINK'S FINISHED GUYS!" Danny hollered from the living room.

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