Chapter 5

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"OK turn right here....and we're here." I said.

I took a deep breath of fresh air and made my way towards the swing set and began swinging myself. Andreas followed suit after a moment.

"So this is the park, huh? Somehow I pictured it small and lame like every other parks" he said his eyes quickly darting from every direction.

"I told you it was nice. It's pretty impressive, right?" I asked him.

"Yeah. Hey what's it like to grow up here?" he asked his tone curious making me explain about the whole clichés and my curse.

He laughed as I started explaining about my curse.

"I don't get you. If you don't like cliché so much then why don't you be original?" he asked.

"It's not that. I don't dislike it... it's just that it happens to everyone and sometimes I wonder why you know... what happened to me? Why can't I have that you know, that fairytale like love. It's just hard. It's hard to be as devoted to it as everyone is, especially since I haven't even had a slight interest in anyone in the town" I said.

"So you're saying that you just want it because everyone else' has it? You do realize that in order to have a cliché story, you must be a cliché person and last time I check you were unique and original" he replied swinging.

I don't know if I should be insulted or flattered by his comment. I probably should've been flattered plus what he said was kind of sweet of him but some part of me feels like he just slap me and told me what I've always been so keen on hiding -my difference. The thing about living in a place where everything is almost perfect is it's hard to be different, that just the slight show of it raises eyebrows.

"No. Yes. I don't know. Why can't I just want it because I want it?" I said starting doubting myself.

"You can. You just first have to want it for yourself. Ask yourself this are you willing to change yourself just to fit in the mold your system has created. Are you willing to cut pieces of you-say good bye to them because they aren't cliché material? Like singing in theatre? Dancing? And others because these aren't stereotypical traits for men. I'm not emasculating you or effeminizing you. I'm just stating a fact that it isn't stereotypical. So as I was saying, are you willing to just bow down to its every wish and settle down with someone you don't even love just so you could look like you are happy from the outside yet you're miserable on the inside?" he said cocking his head towards me.

"You don't get it. This is cliché ville, I will love that girl and not just look happy on the outside but also on the inside" I defended disregarding the fact that somehow he knew I do theatre when I haven't even told him.

"No, I don't think you get it. You see these people and think to yourself that they're so happy because they finally found their cliché story but when you look past these cliché bull shit, you'll see the pain and the longing and the chains they're bound to because they submitted to your system. This system you have isn't normal. It's forced. It enslaves you, and the worse thing is you let it. You people practically hand your freedom to it in a silver platter. You think Toby and What's her name are happy? Why don't you try talking to him for about 5 minutes and just ask about his relationship. There isn't happiness that you would expect to hear from him. He isn't happy to be tied down to that nerd. And I don't think she is too, to be honest or any of them are because if you think about it, if they are so happy with their relationship what stops them from sitting with each other at lunch? Spending time with each other on school, outside of school aside from that date requirement every week?" He pointed out.

I didn't really realize that but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of knowing, so I just shrugged at him but from the smirk he had been wearing all afternoon proved he knew he was right.

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