Chapter 3

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It was now a week after Jake, the new guy came and yet everyone is still talking about how unusual He is. Refusing not only Nathan but Hayden's invite to be in their crowd add the fact that Andreas was now an athlete and yet doesn't sit with the jocks, and now he's on everyone's mind and mouth. Not a day would pass where you wouldn't hear about him and his peculiarity.

I guess, He is still getting used to our system like we are to him. He usually hangs out with different people though, eat with different peers and yet they welcome him as if he's part of their group. I guess Cliché Ville has its perks too. They are surprisingly very accepting to change.

I never really had officially met Andreas yet just saw him around here and there, and hear stories about his queer ways of going through school. So by the time we had officially met I already knew some of him which was to be honest very weird considering he probably didn't even know I existed before.

Xander's car is in the shop for repair this week so after hanging out with my friends we bid farewells and I set out to walk home because I forgot to tell my parents I didn't have a ride home, it wasn't a problem really because my house is near our school, a mere 15 minute walk. It's just easier and faster if my parents drop me off on their way to work or when Xander drops me off since it's already on their way and I'm lazy.

As I was walking with my hands on my pockets, earphones blasted to full volume and me mouthing out the words. I felt someone walk beside me, so I turned my head to talk to them because like I said small town, kind of hard not to talk to everyone and since I'm a nice guy I usually talk with everyone though not everyone gets my humor so I watch my words carefully when speaking outside my family and friends.

I was surprised however to see Jake matching my stride. So I took one of the ear piece and said hello.

He said "Hi, you live in my street right? My names Andreas...I mean Jacob. I just go by Jacob now a days but everyone here insists on calling me Jake so I guess you can call me Jake too, I'm new here".

"Um yeah, I think so." I said kindly but playing it cool as if I didn't care that the new guy was my neighbor which to be honest I really don't, right?

"So how come I never see you walk before? You got a car? Or a sweet sugar daddy to give you rides or something?" he said wiggling his eyebrows after saying sugar daddy.

Usually I would be insulted, heck anyone would be insulted by his implication. Maybe that was why Nathan was angry at him. He sure does have a peculiar sense of humor but nevertheless I laughed because I truly did find it funny and called him silly instead of rebutting something equally as sly as what he said as per what I would do if it was Mike, my closest friend. He's the only one who really understood my struggles in this whole cliché town.

"But really though. You ride with Xander right?" he said casually as if he didn't say something borderline stalkerish. I mean yeah I know he also has a car. Wait... A minute.

"Yeah, funny you said that. Don't you have a car? I think I still remember everyone shouting that the new guy is getting out of a shiny new Mercedes" I said lying at the end because no one really knew what his car was. It was too futuristic for us La Luna locals. I only knew what it was because Matt's car is also a Mercedes.

"Uh... Yeah... But... It's... The... Car... A-what? I'm sorry could you repeat your question again. I kinda zoned out" he said biting his lips looking panicked for a moment. Huh. Weird.

"Um. Yeah. I said didn't you have a car? I thought I remember you arrived at school the first day with a car" I said.

"Yeah, I did. It's not available at the moment. My mom's car broke down so she borrowed mine. How about you? Did you and Lover boy had a lovers' quarrel that he left you rideless?" he said jokingly again. What is with him and insinuating people gay. Well not really people just me at the moment but then he could've done the same to Nathan or Hayden or anyone he talks with, right?

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