Chapter 7

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It has been 2 months since Andreas came into town, a month and 2 weeks since we became friends and there is hardly any time you'd see me or him without the other. It's like we're glued together at the hip and yes we often got teased about it but it's not like we deliberately do it, It just so happen that we have the same agenda and things to do and places to be and hey it beats doing things alone.

Andreas also took a permanent residence on our lunch table but would often table hop just to talk to others, he would then return before the bell rings to walk together towards our classes.

I am currently hanging audition posters for our upcoming play, Alexander Hamilton, since we only have a limited number of students in theater considering most of our staff graduated last year.

"Boo!" someone whispered in my ear as an arm draped over me.

"Andreas. What the-? Hey can you help me hang this all up" I asked him, already handing him half, as an officer in the theatre I was kind of responsible for facilitating new comers.

"And why would I do that?" he said raising his eyebrows at me.

"Because... You're nice and kind... And uh a Good Samaritan?" I gave him my puppy dog eyes. Time to test my dad's theory about inheriting my mom's puppy dog face.

His face softened a bit, I started to grin but he then said "How could you do that? That is so convincing. Teach me. So I could manipulate innocent people into doing things I don't want to do. Like you are now" he said eagerly.

It worked alright, but not the results that I wanted. However it is Andreas we are talking about. What do you expect? That boy is so unpredictable.

"So you would help me?" I asked again because why not.

"Sure sweet tums. Where do I hang these things?" he asked. And yes, apparently he likes to use nicknames but only on me and they're always starting with sweet blah blah. Sometimes I argue and try calling him things too like Ogre stink and giant snot. Such love, I know but I always forget them. Hmm... Maybe I'll start calling him something again later.

Andreas was now looking at me expectantly. Oh. He was waiting for a response "Just anywhere you think someone could read and decide to join" I answered while hanging another on the way to my locker.

He smirked and said "okay. I'll start doing 'em now. So see you later sweet pea"

I nodded at him and continued my journey to my locker.

Homeroom was pretty boring, the substitute teacher didn't even bother talking to us after getting our attendance. So it was basically a free period.

Second period is the only subject Andreas and I have together. Speaking of, He finally arrived and sat on his usual seat beside me. We started talking about random stuff. Eh.

"So like I said Milo Murphy law's creator is the same with Phineas and Ferb-" he was saying when the teacher arrived and started his lesson. He rolled his eyes and said "I'll tell you later" As if it was something important and that's also another thing he does, he always and I mean always forgets it. The entire conversation. When I mention this again to him he'll probably give me a look and even ask me why I know this law stuff when I condemned physics to the fieriest pits of hell.

Third period goes by and before I know it, the bell for lunch rang. "Do you guys want to see Logan with us?" Keisha asked us.

"We already saw that" Andreas answered his mouth full. Keisha looked away from him probably in disgust.

"You did? With who?" Mike asked making everyone except Andreas and me to roll their eyes at him.

"Who else? You dumbass" Xandra said.

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