Chapter 1

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Finally, I thought.

After 3 hours of just sitting in the car and plane, I honestly didn't think it would end. Dramatic, I know but that's what being born and raised in Cliché Ville, Cliché City does to you.

I'm kidding of course. Well... only about the name of our town because it might as well be called that. Here in La Luna, everything is like a fairytale excluding the whole fairy god mothers, dragons and other magical creatures that would to be honest probably make La Luna more appealing and touristy, instead of selling it like La Luna, where you find true love or something like that. Why that phrase would sell is beyond me but it's not like it's a lie anyway. As far as promotions go it's as honest as my sister was a blushing bride, almost but not entirely true and depends on how you perceive it. Erm. I mean. Nevermind that.

So as I was thinking, Most of the tourist here ends up married after at least just a week stay be it to their fiancée's, ex- beaus or sometimes even a local, which explains why there is so much fuss right now. A new family is moving into town and guess where they're taking residence. Right. Across from ours. Now I'm going to be harassed by everyone. Yay! Not.

I bumped into the door. Ouch. I guess that's what I get from spacing out while walking. I'll blame jetlag and tiredness for that though; But of course instead of passing out face first on my bed, my parents wants to talk about our trip. Gee, it's not like we went together to the same wedding. Oh. Wait. We did. I rolled my eyes at their antics.

"Ezekiel please hurry up your coco is getting cold and I am not letting you use the microwave again after the last time" My mom said slightly raising her voice and that is as loud as she lets her voice go. She never shouts even when she's angry, she just cries, so we try our best not to evoke such situation, especially me since I'm bad at dealing with people crying or expressing emotions beyond what you normally see on a Tuesday, What? Tuesday's like the most normal day of the week.

Though saying that makes me quite the hypocrite since I am a very sensitive person as well. Geez. I wonder where I got that from. Plus she has like a super puppy dog face its full proof works on everyone. Trust me. I did ask her about that though she claims she doesn't have that face. My dad says my sister and I inherited that trait of hers and we make his life very difficult by pulling that face every time we want something but I don't think it works for me the way it works for them though. Because if I was even half as convincing as those two, I would probably have a car now, instead of just borrowing theirs every time I have to go to school for practice. I thought as I entered the Kitchen.

"Hi honey, drink up and let's talk. So what's your favorite part of the vacation?" my mom asked sweetly once I joined them.

Vacation? Really? Only she would call a wedding a vacation, granted it was held in the grooms place it was still a wedding not a vacation. I haven't even caught my breath yet from all the work she volunteered me for, not that I'm complaining because I'm not. I'm really glad to help my sister out. My mom had been stressing her out about her own wedding which drove her to the point where she even tried to cancel the church wedding and opted to just get married at the hall of justice or something which thankfully she didn't because like I said my mom would blow a fuse. I mean cry or, and she did. She cried. A lot. Saying she just ruined her only daughter's wedding but thankfully they just talked it out and I guess everything was all set that it would be a waste of money to just cancel all the preparations so they just went through it.

"-mine was the part where Evangeline and Matt said I do. It was sooooo sweet. I remember the time we did it..." my mom gushed.

I zoned out again. It's not like I do it consciously it's not I promise, okay maybe sometimes I do.It's just I get bored of talking and just passively listen but not registering it with my mind until either something interesting or funny or I hear my name is said like now.

"...mine was the part where Ezekiel almost face planted on the cake by tripping on one of the wires laying but the cake was then wheeled away by the caterer so he just face planted on the floor" my dad said laughing along with my mom giggling.

They're like kids sometimes I swear. I could've been hurt. Tsk. Tsk. My parents I tell you.

Come to think of it they are pretty young to be parents not that they neglected us or lack anything but since they eloped at 18 well my dad was, my mom was just 16 and they hid for about a year because like I said this place is Cliché Ville and everything that comes to this town or is in this town are all cliché.

So they ran away because my mom's parents didn't like dad because he was kind of a bad boy on his High school days which I really find hard to believe but that's what they say anyway. So as I was thinking, High school was where they met and he was as my mom used to mock them "filthy rich that orders their butlers to wipe their butt after they poop" well that was the PG version because I was still a kid, still am in their minds even though I am now 17.

So returning to the story, my dad's parents on the other hand had already planned for someone to marry him to expand their business and become richer, I guess.

But like all the cliché stories out there my mom was such a sweetheart that she captured and tamed the bad boy blah blah and even caused him to turn away from his riches and settle down in a regular blue collared job. Well he did anyway. Now he is the VP of Damien and Co. because he finished his college with the trust fund his grandparents left him and since he was eighteen at that time he could finally claim it.

So here we are now, safe and far away from my grandparents seeing as it's been 20 years and they still haven't found us yet or at least I'm assuming they went out to search for them, my dad's at least since they were rich but anyway we live here now. Well only my parents and I are left because my sister just recently got married like a day ago to her cliché of a boyfriend.

You know their story is kinda cute though very cliché. Ha! Like anything here isn't.

They were the best of friends since diaper days where Matt would spend his summer and winter here with his grandparents. He then transferred here for High school because of obvious reasons-to be with his true love blah blah. And so they fell in love, caused unnecessary drama, confessed to one another and then dated and are now married. Ugh. They were so cliché, well everyone here is even the mayor.

The mayor unlike every town well not every just some where they are so high and mighty and probably has like 10 illegitimate children with different mothers, was actually very poor since he was a baby and worked hard I guess until he reached his position now and the town is surprisingly very progressive considering the little tax we pay. Anyway he's a very private person but when you're in La Luna. Nothing is private, we kind of knew everyone around here and it's just very difficult to hide things since we are all very close here, or so I thought.

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