Chapter 11

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It was a week after that incident happened and things were much like they were before except sometimes Danny would joins us which I found wasn't quite as irritating probably because Andreas' time is spent with me more. Ha!

"Okay. So the play is on Friday everyone. I want you all ready and dressed with makeup on Thursday. We will have one last regular practice tomorrow but we're starting our dressed rehearsals on Thursday, is that clear? Okay good night." Mr. Lambert said dismissing us.

I am so excited for the play yet nervous all the same because even though I've practically been doing this since middle school I can still mess up especially since I'm playing a very important role.

I was surprised to see Andreas on my porch. We didn't agree to hang out today. He was supposed to be with Danny's friend so you can understand my confusion and surprise when he came barreling at me and threw his arms in my shoulder and squeezed while saying "I came to bear news" smiling his shit-eating grin.

I raised my eyebrows in question. "I'm going on a date with Sam" he said, practically sang, actually. And that's when I felt my world fall. What! Nononononono this cannot be happening. I waited for him to say just kidding or I'm messing with you but no such luck. I wanted to scream but on the outside I just tried to be uninterested and said "Okay. I'm waiting for the punch line"

He looked at me confused then said "It doesn't have one. I'm serious. We're going on a date. I'm taking him out on Thursday. I was supposed to take him out this Friday have the play and I can't miss it so Thursday it is" he said.

"Okay. But why?" I asked him still not grasping what he told me.

"Well why not?" he countered.

"That reasoning is so flawed. I could just kill you right now because why not, right?" I told him shaking my head.

He was grabbing my arm dragging me to my house when he answered "Well for one you'd go to jail for killing me. And you're too pretty for jail babe"

"I won't. I know people" I told him proudly as if knowing someone could prevent from going to jail.

"Plus nobody even knew you were with me today because you're supposed to fetch Danny's friend from the next town over so... I'm probably not even gonna be a suspect because I'm the closest thing you have to a sibling. So hah!" I followed up.

"Hmm... Could be but if you know my mom like I do. She'd assume you were with me and then I don't know she'll trace my last text which I sent to Sam conveniently right before you arrived and found me in your porch and then boom. You're under arrest because you lied and also for you know murder. So hah! I still win"

"You can't win cause you'd already be dead you doofus" I told him

"I mean I get justice. You'd be in jail and realize that no my method of reasoning isn't flawed. So let's just stop here because you'll go to jail so let me go to my date on Thursday. And see you tomorrow love. Rest well" he said kissing my cheek and left. I just rolled my eyes at him, climb up to my room and passed out.


It was the next day when I was on my locker half asleep with Andreas talking my ear off about his date on Thursday that the idea of him dating some chick hit me. But like the good actor that I am, I acted as if it doesn't affect when all I could think was the Danny incident all over again. Only this time much worse because not only is this new person a friend but a potential girlfriend.

This sucks. Maybe I should just invest on a new best friend...or on a loner lifestyle. I know. I know. I'm being paranoid and not to mention dramatic again.

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