Chapter 2

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I woke up like every Disney princess with tamed hair and no bad morning breath, and sang until the birds opened my window and the mice prepared my bath. Not. Ugh.

La Luna though cliché in every way is like every other place, kinda hellish, so I woke up with hair everywhere and a breath even Shrek would cringe.


After getting ready, I went to the kitchen, ate and talk to my mom a little until dad came down the stairs and then off we went to La Luna Academy, the only school within the town aside from the public school which is on the other side of the town.


As I stepped off the car I could just feel the energy, I walked towards my friends near the entrance and before I could even say my greetings I was bombarded with questions like "-so did you see them?" "They're your neighbor right?" "Are they a girl or boy?" Ugh.

The nightmare has begun.

I wish he didn't move across from us. Wait. Is it even true? I didn't even see them earlier. No cars or anything that would suggest someone was home but before I could say a word there were squeals coming from the parking lot and someone shouted "It's a He, ladies" causing some groans from the guys including me. What? Hey, It's not like I was thinking I'll get my happily ever after, just that if the new neighbor happens to be a girl who is my age, maybe she could be my forever. But Alas, It's a male, nothing we can do about that.

Upon hearing that announcement, knowing we have no chance or interest for him, Mike and I left for our lockers and chilled while Xandra and Keisha left to scope the new kid out.

It was just before the bell rang when the two came back saying "He's okay. Not that hot, Not that handsome but okay looking" Xandra said rather rudely as if he was disappointing her. Women, I tell you. So picky.

"Eh. He's cute. I'd say at least a 7 but the girls were still eating him from the moment he went out of his car so no worries, for him at least. He could be a three headed, snot picking, and toad-smelling guy yet still have girls stalking him. This is La Luna were talking about. The place where you find your other half, your soul mate, your true love, your happy ending, your foreve-" Keisha said.

"Okay. Okay. We get it. Keish. No need for advertisements" Mike said cutting her off which made Keisha glare at him. These two I swear. I don't know whether they're the cutest thing I see or the most annoying with their constant bickering. So Cliché. It's like wherever I go here all I see is Cliché.

Sometimes I wish I could just leave or at least escape all this clichés that has been surrounding me. It's fine and all but sometimes it just gets suffocating. To me at least, since I know I'm no fairytale material but that doesn't mean I'm not hoping for some miracle to happen and my cliché girl will just stumble in. And that right there is why I won't leave La Luna because despite all my ridicules about it. I still believe in its magic and that I hope someday I'll be as happy as everyone else here is.

Making our way back to our home room, we sat down on our usual seats on the center with me on the seat near the window. You see we're the nice guys. We sit in the middle, the smarties Ehem, smart people at front and the slackers and jokesters, and jocks and cheerleaders at the back. Pretty good arrangement if you ask me. No one picks in the middle to answer anything because it's the middle. And might I add again very cliché.

But if you think this is too much of a High school musical wait until lunch where there are tables made specifically for each peer group. Well not really it's just that we had an activity in school spirit week where we paint our usual tables the way we wanted and since we seat by our crowd, so it goes very cliché because we identify ourselves with our peers, depressing I know but it's just how life works here in La Luna.

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